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Showing words for REPARABLE using the English dictionary

9 Letter Words for Reparable


8 Letter Words for Reparable

bearleap, rapeable, reapable

7 Letter Words for Reparable

baleare, bepearl, blearer, earable, errable, parable, pearler, rapable, reparel

6 Letter Words for Reparable

ablare, aperea, arable, barrel, bearer, beleap, bepale, breare, earlap, larrea, larree, leaper, paleae, parale, parral, parrel, pealer, reable, realer, reaper, rebale, rebear, releap, repale, repeal

5 Letter Words for Reparable

abear, abele, aberr, abler, albee, arber, areae, areal, arear, areel, arepa, arere, baler, barer, barra, barre, beala, beare, belap, belar, blaer, blare, blear, bleep, blere, breer, brere, labra, laree, leare, leear, leper, lepra, lepre, palar, palea, paler, parae, parel, parer, parle, peare, pearl, perea, perle, plebe, prela, rabal, raper, reaal, rebar, rebel, relap, repel, repla

4 Letter Words for Reparable

aarp, abel, able, alae, alap, alar, alba, albe, alee, alep, apar, aper, arab, arar, arba, area, arle, baal, baar, bale, balr, bara, bare, barp, barr, beal, bear, beep, beer, bela, bere, blae, blea, blee, brae, bree, brer, eale, earl, elbe, eral, erer, laer, lapb, lare, leap, lear, leep, leer, lepa, lere, lerp, paal, paar, paba, pala, pale, para, pare, parl, parr, peal, pear, peba, peel, peer, pela, pele, pere, plea, pleb, pree, rale, rape, rara, rare, real, reap, rear, reel, repl, repr

3 Letter Words for Reparable

aal, aba, abl, abp, abr, aer, ala, alb, ale, alp, apa, ape, apl, apr, ara, arb, are, arr, baa, bae, bal, bap, bar, bee, bel, ber, bra, brl, brr, ear, eel, eer, ela, elb, epa, era, ere, err, laa, lab, lap, lar, lea, lee, lep, ler, pal, par, pea, pee, pel, per, pre, rab, rap, rea, reb, ree, rel, rep, rle

Definitions for Reparable

[1] capable of being repaired or remedied.
[2] able to be repaired, recovered, or remedied a reparable loss

Words related to Reparable

rectifiable, curable, amendable, corrigible, emendable, fixable, improvable, recoverable, redeemable, restorable

Words nearby Reparable

repairer, repairman, repairperson, repairwoman, repand, reparable, reparation, reparative, reparative dentin, repartee, repartition

Origin of Reparable

From the Latin word reparābilis, dating back to 1560–70. See repair1, -able

Words that may be confused with Reparable

reparable, repairable

Other words from Reparable

rep·a·ra·bly , adverb
non·rep·a·ra·ble , adjective

Word origin for Reparable

C16: from Latin reparābilis , from reparāre to repair 1

Synonyms for Reparable

rectifiable, amendable, corrigible, curable, emendable, fixable, improvable, recoverable, redeemable, restorable