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Showing words for REPIC using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Repic
cripe, price, recip, repic
4 Letter Words for Repic
cire, crip, crpe, epic, eric, icer, irpe, peri, pice, pier, prec, prie, rice, ripe
3 Letter Words for Repic
cep, cer, cie, cir, cpi, cpr, eir, epi, ice, ipr, ire, pci, pec, per, pic, pie, pir, prc, pre, rec, rei, rep, rie, rip
Definitions for Repic
[1] the scoring of 30 points in the declaration of hands before one's opponent scores a point.
[2] the bonus of 60 points won for so scoring.
Words nearby Repic
repetitive dna, repetitive strain disorder, repetitive strain injury, repetitive stress injury, rephrase, repic, repine, repique, repl., replace, replacement
Origin of Repic
< French, derivative of repiquer to prick, punch again. See re-, pique1