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Showing words for REPORT using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Report
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3 Letter Words for Report
Definitions for Report
[1] an account or statement describing in detail an event, situation, or the like, usually as the result of observation, inquiry, etc.: a report on the peace conference; a medical report on the patient.
[2] a statement or announcement.
[3] a widely circulated statement or item of news; rumor; gossip.
[4] an account of a speech, debate, meeting, etc., especially as taken down for publication.
[5] a loud noise, as from an explosion: the report of a distant cannon.
[6] a statement of a student's grades, level of achievement, or academic standing for or during a prescribed period of time.
[7] Computers . output, especially printed, containing organized information.
[8] a statement of a judicial opinion or decision, or of a case argued and determined in a court of justice.
[9] reports, Law . a collection of adjudications.
[10] repute; reputation; fame: a man of bad report.
[11] to carry and repeat, as an answer or message; repeat, as what one has heard.
[12] to relate, as what has been learned by observation or investigation.
[13] to give or render a formal account or statement of: to report a deficit.
[14] to send back (a bill, amendment, etc.) to a legislative body with a formal report outlining findings and recommendations (often followed by out ): The committee reported out the bill.
[15] to make a charge against (a person), as to a superior: I intend to report him to the dean for cheating.
[16] to make known the presence, condition, or whereabouts of: to report a ship missing.
[17] to present (oneself) to a person in authority, as in accordance with requirements.
[18] to take down (a speech, lecture, etc.) in writing.
[19] to write an account of (an event, situation, etc.), as for publication in a newspaper.
[20] to relate or tell.
[21] to prepare, make, or submit a report of something observed, investigated, or the like.
[22] to serve or work as a reporter, as for a newspaper.
[23] to make one's condition or whereabouts known, as to a person in authority: to report sick.
[24] to present oneself duly, as at a place: to report to Room 101.
[25] on report , Military . (of personnel) under restriction pending disciplinary action.
[26] an account prepared for the benefit of others, esp one that provides information obtained through investigation and published in a newspaper or broadcast
[27] a statement made widely known; rumour according to report, he is not dead
[28] an account of the deliberations of a committee, body, etc a report of parliamentary proceedings
[29] British a statement on the progress, academic achievement, etc, of each child in a school, written by teachers and sent to the parents or guardian annually or each term
[30] a written account of a case decided at law, giving the main points of the argument on each side, the court's findings, and the decision reached
[31] comment on a person's character or actions; reputation he is of good report here
[32] a sharp loud noise, esp one made by a gun
[33] to give an account (of); describe
[34] to give an account of the results of an investigation (into) to report on housing conditions
[35] (of a committee, legislative body, etc) to make a formal report on (a bill)
[36] (tr) to complain about (a person), esp to a superior I'll report you to the teacher
[37] (tr) to reveal information about (a fugitive, escaped prisoner, etc) esp concerning his whereabouts
[38] (intr) to present oneself or be present at an appointed place or for a specific purpose report to the manager's office
[39] (intr) to say or show that one is (in a certain state) to report fit
[40] (intr foll by to ) to be responsible to and under the authority of the plant manager reports to the production controller
[41] (intr) to act as a reporter for a newspaper or for radio or television
[42] law to take down in writing details of (the proceedings of a court of law) as a record or for publication
Words related to Report
information, picture, word, description, announcement, detail, dispatch, summary, note, record, paper, statement, news, release, article, message, opinion, address, communique, comment
Words nearby Report
repo, repoint, repolarization, repone, repopulate, report, report card, report stage, reportable disease, reportage, reported clause
Origin of Report
1325–75; (v.) Middle English reporten < Middle French reporter, Old French < Latin reportāre to carry back, equivalent to re- re- + portāre to carry (see port5); (noun) Middle English < Middle French, derivative of reporter
Other words from Report
re·port·a·ble , adjective
non·re·port·a·ble , adjective
non·re·port·ed , adjective
o·ver·re·port , verb
pre·re·port , noun, verb
qua·si-re·port·ed , adjective
sub·re·port , noun
un·re·port·a·ble , adjective
un·re·port·ed , adjective
well-re·port·ed , adjective
Word origin for Report
C14: from Old French, from reporter to carry back, from Latin reportāre , from re- + portāre to carry
Synonyms for Report
address, announcement, article, communique, description, detail, dispatch, information, message, news, note, opinion, paper, picture, record, release, statement, summary, word, brief, broadcast, cable, chronicle, communication, declaration, digest, handout, history, narration, narrative, outline, piece, proclamation, pronouncement, recital, relation, rundown, scoop, tale, telegram, tidings, version, wire, blow by blow, hot wire, précis, résumé, write-up