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Showing words for REPULSE using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Repulse
6 Letter Words for Repulse
5 Letter Words for Repulse
4 Letter Words for Repulse
3 Letter Words for Repulse
Definitions for Repulse
[1] to drive back; repel: to repulse an assailant.
[2] to repel with denial, discourtesy, or the like; refuse or reject.
[3] to cause feelings of repulsion in: The scenes of violence in the film may repulse some viewers.
[4] the act of repelling.
[5] the fact of being repelled, as in hostile encounter.
[6] a refusal or rejection.
[7] to drive back or ward off (an attacking force); repel; rebuff
[8] to reject with coldness or discourtesy she repulsed his advances
[9] to produce a feeling of aversion or distaste
[10] the act or an instance of driving back or warding off; rebuff
[11] a cold discourteous rejection or refusal
Words related to Repulse
resist, repel, overthrow, rebuff, sicken, disgust, turndown, reverse, refusal, failure, nix, disappointment, defeat, check, brush-off, rebut, reject, refuse, spurn, disdain
Words nearby Repulse
repudiate, repudiation, repugn, repugnance, repugnant, repulse, repulsion, repulsive, repurchase, repurchase agreement, reputable
Origin of Repulse
1375–1425; late Middle English < Latin repulsus, past participle of repellere to repel
Other words from Repulse
re·puls·er , noun
un·re·pulsed , adjective
un·re·puls·ing , adjective
Word origin for Repulse
C16: from Latin repellere to drive back, repel
Synonyms for Repulse
brush-off, check, defeat, disappointment, failure, nix, rebuff, refusal, reverse, spurning, turndown, cold shoulder, nothing doing, slap in the face, thumbs down