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Showing words for RESEARCH using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Research
7 Letter Words for Research
6 Letter Words for Research
5 Letter Words for Research
4 Letter Words for Research
3 Letter Words for Research
Definitions for Research
[1] diligent and systematic inquiry or investigation into a subject in order to discover or revise facts, theories, applications, etc.: recent research in medicine.
[2] a particular instance or piece of research.
[3] to make researches; investigate carefully.
[4] to make an extensive investigation into: to research a matter thoroughly.
[5] to search or search for again.
[6] systematic investigation to establish facts or principles or to collect information on a subject
[7] to carry out investigations into (a subject, problem, etc)
Words related to Research
probe, inquiry, investigation, exploration, analysis, scrutinize, investigate, explore, consult, analyze, inquisition, inquest, groundwork, scrutiny, quest, probing, experimentation, delving, inquire, experiment
Words nearby Research
rescue, rescue dog, rescue grass, rescue mission, reseal, research, research and development, research library, research park, research quantum, research-intensive
Origin of Research
-searchFirst recorded in 1740–50; re- + search
Words that may be confused with Research
WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, re-searchre-search, research
Other words from Research
re·search·a·ble , adjective
re·search·er , re·search·ist , noun
pro·re·search , adjective
un·der·re·search , verb (used with object)
Word origin for Research
C16: from Old French recercher to seek, search again, from re- + cercher to search
Synonyms for Research
analysis, exploration, inquiry, investigation, probe, delving, experimentation, groundwork, inquest, inquisition, probing, quest, scrutiny, R and D, fact-finding, fishing expedition, legwork