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Showing words for RESHAPE using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Reshape
heapers, phearse, rephase, reshape, sphaere, spheare
6 Letter Words for Reshape
haeres, heaper, heares, hearse, hepars, herpes, hesper, parsee, peares, persea, phares, phaser, pheers, phrase, prease, raphes, reheap, serape, seraph, shaper, sherpa, shrape, spahee, sphaer, sphear, sphere
5 Letter Words for Reshape
apers, apres, asher, asper, earsh, easer, ephas, erase, hares, harps, heaps, heare, hears, hepar, heres, herse, pares, parse, peare, pears, peers, perea, peres, perse, pesah, phare, phase, pheer, phese, prase, prees, presa, rapes, raphe, reaps, repas, rheas, seare, sereh, shape, share, sharp, shear, sheep, sheer, shere, shrap, spaer, spare, spear, speer, spree
4 Letter Words for Reshape
aper, apes, apse, ares, ears, ease, epha, eras, eres, erse, ersh, haes, haps, hare, harp, hasp, heap, hear, heep, heer, heps, hera, here, herp, hers, hesp, pahs, pare, pars, pase, pash, pear, peas, peer, pees, pehs, pere, perh, pers, pesa, phar, pree, pres, psha, rahs, rape, raps, rash, rasp, reap, rees, rehs, reps, resp, rhea, sare, seah, sear, seep, seer, sere, shap, shea, shee, sher, spae, spar
3 Letter Words for Reshape
aer, aes, ahs, ape, aph, apr, are, ars, ase, ash, asp, ear, eas, eer, ehs, epa, era, ere, ers, ese, esp, esr, hae, hap, has, hee, hep, her, hes, hrs, pah, par, pas, pea, pee, peh, per, pes, phr, pre, prs, rah, rap, ras, rea, ree, reh, rep, res, rha, rhe, rps, sah, sap, sar, sea, see, sep, ser, sha, she, shp, shr, spa
Definitions for Reshape
[1] to shape again or into different form.
[2] to shape (something) again or differently
Words related to Reshape
mutate, transmute, repair, tweak, vary, adjust, adapt, rework, correct, revise, customize, rewrite, edit, modify, revamp, alter, redraw, develop, amend, transform
Words nearby Reshape
reservoir rock, reset, resettle, resettlement, resh, reshape, reshevsky, reship, resht, reshuffle, reside
Origin of Reshape
First recorded in 1820–30; re- + shape
Synonyms for Reshape
mutate, transmute, age, alter, change, commute, develop, diverge, mature, remake, remodel, ripen, transfigure, translate, transmogrify, transubstantiate, vary, be reborn