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Showing words for RESHAPING using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Reshaping
8 Letter Words for Reshaping
harpings, hearings, hearsing, heparins, parishen, phrasing, preasing, seraphin, sharping, shearing, spearing, sphering
7 Letter Words for Reshaping
angries, arshine, aspring, earings, engrasp, erasing, gainers, garnish, gaspier, gnasher, graines, hangers, harpies, harping, harpins, hasping, heaping, hearing, hegaris, hegiras, heparin, hernias, hesping, hingers, hirages, inphase, nearish, nephria, parings, parsing, pashing, persian, persing, phasing, phesing, pingers, prasine, pregain, presign, prisage, rapines, rashing, rasping, reagins, reaping, regains, reginas, rehangs, rhesian, saprine, searing, sephira, seraing, seringa, shapier, shaping, sharing, sharpen, sharpie, spaeing, spairge, sparing, spinage, spirane, spraing, spreagh, springe
6 Letter Words for Reshaping
angers, argine, arisen, arpens, arshin, arsine, arsing, ashier, ashine, ashing, aspern, aspine, aspire, earing, easing, gainer, ganesh, ganser, gapers, garish, gasher, gasper, geisha, genipa, genips, gerahs, gipsen, gipser, graine, grains, graips, granes, grapes, graphs, grasni, greins, gripes, griphe, haeing, hagein, hairen, hairse, hanger, hangie, haring, harpin, hegari, hegira, hepars, hernia, hinger, hinges, hirage, napier, neighs, nigers, nigher, pagers, pagine, pagnes, pagris, paires, parens, parges, paries, parine, paring, parish, paseng, perais, perish, pernis, persia, phages, phangs, phares, phaser, phrase, pinger, pisang, pisgah, praise, prangs, rahing, raines, ranges, raphes, raphis, rapine, raping, reagin, regain, regian, regina, rehang, reigns, rengas, renigs, renish, repins, reship, resigh, resign, resina, resing, resnap, respan, respin, rhapis, rhines, ripens, sagier, sangei, sanger, saphie, saprin, saring, sarnie, sepian, serang, seraph, sering, seriph, shairn, shapen, shaper, sheria, sherpa, shiner, shrape, shrine, sigher, signer, singer, sipage, sirpea, snaper, sniper, spaing, sparge, sphaer, sphear, spinae, spinar, spirae, spiran, spirea, sprain, sprang, spreng, spring
5 Letter Words for Reshaping
aegir, aegis, aesir, agers, agrin, ahing, aiger, airns, anger, anigh, anise, anser, apers, aphis, aping, apish, apres, areng, argin, aries, arise, arish, arpen, ashen, asher, ashir, aspen, asper, earns, earsh, ehing, enpia, ephas, epris, ering, eshin, gaine, gains, gairs, gaper, gapes, gareh, garni, garse, geans, gears, geira, geisa, genas, genip, gerah, gerip, ghain, giher, ginep, girns, girse, girsh, gnars, gnash, grain, graip, grane, grans, grape, graph, grasp, grein, grens, grias, grins, gripe, griph, grips, haine, hains, haire, hairs, hange, hangs, hanse, hares, harns, harps, heaps, hears, heirs, hepar, herns, hiera, higra, hinge, hings, hiper, hiren, hires, hirse, hsian, hsien, inger, insea, insep, irena, naish, napes, nares, naris, neaps, nears, neigh, ngapi, niepa, niger, nighs, nigra, nipas, pager, pages, pagne, pagri, paine, pains, paire, pairs, paise, panes, pangi, pangs, panse, paren, pares, parge, paris, parse, parsi, peags, peans, pears, peghs, penis, perai, peris, perns, pesah, phage, phane, phang, phare, phase, phies, phren, pians, piers, pinas, piner, pines, pinge, pings, pirns, prang, prase, presa, pries, prigs, prine, rages, ragis, raine, rains, raise, range, rapes, raphe, rasen, reais, reans, reaps, regia, regin, regna, reign, reina, reins, renga, renig, repas, repin, resin, rheas, rhein, rhies, rhine, rines, ringe, rings, rinse, ripen, ripes, risen, sager, saine, saner, sangh, sapin, sapir, sarge, sarin, sarip, segar, segni, sengi, sepia, serai, serin, shape, share, sharn, sharp, shear, sheng, shier, shina, shine, shire, shrag, shrap, shrip, siena, signa, singe, singh, siper, siren, snape, snare, sneap, snerp, snipe, spaer, spahi, spain, spair, spane, spang, spare, spean, spear, speir, spier, spina, spine, spira, spire, sprag, sprig
4 Letter Words for Reshaping
agen, ager, ages, agin, agni, aine, ains, aire, airn, airs, anes, anis, anre, ansi, aper, apes, apis, apse, areg, aren, ares, argh, aris, arni, asin, eans, earn, ears, eigh, eira, engr, engs, epha, eras, ergs, eria, erin, eris, erns, ersh, gaen, gaes, gain, gair, gane, gape, gaps, gare, gari, garn, gars, gash, gasp, gean, gear, gein, geir, gena, gens, gers, gien, gies, gins, gire, girn, gise, gish, gnar, gran, gras, gren, grin, grip, gris, haen, haes, hagi, hags, hain, hair, hang, hani, hans, haps, hare, harn, harp, hasn, hasp, heap, hear, heir, heng, hens, heps, hera, hern, herp, hers, hesp, hies, hine, hing, hins, hipe, hips, hire, hisn, iare, inga, insp, ipse, iran, ires, irpe, nagi, nags, naig, nais, nape, naps, nare, nash, nasi, neap, near, negs, nepa, neps, nesh, ngai, nies, nigh, nipa, nips, page, pahi, pahs, pain, pair, pais, pane, pang, pans, pare, pari, pars, pase, pash, pasi, peag, peai, pean, pear, peas, pega, pegh, pegs, pehs, peng, peni, pens, perh, peri, pern, pers, pesa, phar, phis, pian, pias, pien, pier, pies, pigs, pina, pine, ping, pins, pirn, pirs, pisa, pise, pish, prag, pres, prie, prig, prin, psha, psia, psig, rage, ragi, rags, rahs, rain, rais, rane, rang, rape, raps, rash, rasp, rean, reap, regs, rehs, rein, reps, resp, rgen, rhea, rias, ries, riga, rigs, rine, ring, rins, ripa, ripe, rips, rise, risp, sage, sain, saip, sair, sane, sang, sare, sari, seah, sean, sear, seir, sena, sepg, sepn, serg, shag, shan, shap, shea, sher, shia, shin, ship, shir, shri, sian, sien, sier, sigh, sign, sina, sine, sing, sinh, sipe, sire, snag, snap, snar, snig, snip, spae, spag, span, spar, spie, spig, spin
3 Letter Words for Reshaping
aer, aes, age, agr, ags, ahi, ahs, ain, air, ais, ane, ans, ape, aph, apr, are, arg, arn, ars, ase, asg, ash, asp, ean, ear, eas, ehs, eir, eng, ens, epa, epi, era, erg, ern, ers, esp, esr, gan, gap, gar, gas, gen, ger, gie, gin, gis, gnp, gns, gph, gps, gra, grs, hae, hag, han, hap, has, hei, hen, hep, her, hes, hia, hie, hin, hip, hir, his, hrs, ign, ihp, ihs, ing, ins, iph, ipr, ips, ira, ire, irs, ise, ish, isn, nae, nag, nah, nap, nar, nas, nea, neg, nei, nep, nie, nig, nip, nis, pah, pan, par, pas, pea, peg, peh, pen, per, pes, phi, phr, pia, pie, pig, pin, pir, pis, pre, prn, prs, psi, rag, rah, rai, ran, rap, ras, rea, reg, reh, rei, rep, res, rha, rhe, ria, rie, rig, rin, rip, rna, rps, sag, sah, sai, san, sap, sar, sea, seg, sei, sen, sep, ser, sha, she, shi, shp, shr, sie, sig, sin, sip, sir, spa, sri
Definitions for Reshaping
[1] to shape again or into different form.
[2] to shape (something) again or differently
Words related to Reshaping
reshapemutate, transmute, repair, tweak, vary, adjust, adapt, rework, correct, revise, customize, rewrite, edit, modify, revamp, alter, redraw, develop, amend, transform
Words nearby Reshaping
reshapereservoir rock, reset, resettle, resettlement, resh, reshape, reshevsky, reship, resht, reshuffle, reside
Origin of Reshaping
eFirst recorded in 1820–30; re- + shape
Synonyms for Reshaping
refitting, refurbishing, refurnishing, reworking, alteration, improvement, modernization, rearrangement, reconstruction, redecoration, restoration