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Showing words for RESILE using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Resile
5 Letter Words for Resile
4 Letter Words for Resile
3 Letter Words for Resile
Definitions for Resile
[1] to spring back; rebound; resume the original form or position, as an elastic body.
[2] to shrink back; recoil.
[3] (intr) to spring or shrink back; recoil or resume original shape
Words related to Resile
blanch, hesitate, balk, waver, cringe, tremble, blink, shudder, demur, backfire, reel, wince, flinch, bump, rebound, bound, ricochet, jump, leap, hop
Words nearby Resile
residuum, resign, resignation, resigned, resignee, resile, resilience, resilient, resilin, resin, resin duct
Origin of Resile
1520–30; < Middle French resilir < Latin resilīre to spring back; see resilient
Other words from Resile
re·sile·ment , noun
Word origin for Resile
C16: from Old French resilir , from Latin resilīre to jump back, from re- + salīre to jump
Synonyms for Resile
backfire, balk, blanch, blink, cringe, demur, flinch, hesitate, reel, shudder, tremble, turn away, waver, wince, blench, carom, dodge, duck, falter, jerk, kick, quail, quake, react, rebound, shake, shirk, shrink, spring, start, stick, stickle, swerve, withdraw, draw back, pull back, shy away, step back