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Showing words for RESONANCE using the English dictionary

9 Letter Words for Resonance


8 Letter Words for Resonance

narceens, onscreen

7 Letter Words for Resonance

acerose, ancones, anesone, arenose, canners, canones, careens, carnose, caserne, coarsen, conners, consarn, corneae, corneas, earcons, encores, enraces, ensnare, nancere, nanosec, narceen, narcose, necrose, recanes, rennase, scanner, screeno, senecan, serenoa, sonance, sorance

6 Letter Words for Resonance

acorns, acrons, acrose, ancone, arcose, arseno, caners, canner, cannes, canoes, canons, careen, carene, carone, carson, casern, censer, censor, cernes, cesare, coarse, coneen, conner, connes, cornea, cranes, crease, crenae, crenas, crones, crosne, earcon, ecrase, encase, encore, enrace, ensear, nacres, nances, narcos, noance, nonces, nosean, oceans, ocreae, oncers, racons, rances, ranees, reason, recane, recase, recons, rennes, renone, rescan, rosace, scerne, screen, seance, searce, secern, seneca, senora, serena, sereno

5 Letter Words for Resonance

acers, acnes, acone, acorn, acres, acron, aeron, ancon, ancor, ancre, anons, anorn, anser, arces, arnee, arose, arson, ascon, caese, caner, canes, canns, canoe, canon, canos, canso, cares, carne, carns, carse, caser, cease, cense, ceras, ceres, cerne, ceros, cesar, coner, cones, conne, conns, coran, cores, corns, corse, cosen, crane, crans, creen, crena, crone, crosa, crose, earns, easer, enorn, erase, ernes, erose, escar, nacre, nance, nanes, narco, narcs, nares, nears, necro, nenes, neons, nonas, nonce, nones, norna, norse, noser, ocean, ocrea, oncer, onces, oners, orans, orcas, ornes, oscan, oscar, races, racon, rance, ranee, rasen, rason, reans, recon, reens, renne, roans, rones, ronne, sacre, sacro, saner, saone, saron, scare, scarn, scena, scene, scone, score, scorn, scrae, scran, scree, seare, secno, secre, sence, senna, senor, seora, serac, seron, snare, sneer, snore, soare, sonar, sonce, sonne, soree

4 Letter Words for Resonance

acer, aces, acne, acor, acre, aero, ance, anes, anne, anno, anns, anon, anre, arco, arcs, aren, ares, arno, asor, cane, cann, cans, caon, care, carn, cars, case, ceas, cees, cene, cens, cera, cere, cern, cero, coes, cone, conn, cons, cora, core, corn, cors, cose, cran, cres, eans, earn, ears, ease, econ, enes, ense, eoan, eons, eras, eres, erne, erns, eros, erse, esca, esne, nace, nane, naos, narc, nare, naso, near, neer, nene, neon, nese, noes, nona, none, nore, norn, nose, nsec, oars, ocas, onca, once, oner, ones, orae, oran, oras, orca, orcs, ores, orna, osar, race, rane, rann, rean, recs, reen, rees, renn, reno, roan, rocs, roes, rone, rosa, rose, saco, sane, sare, scan, scar, sean, sear, seco, seen, seer, sena, sene, seor, sere, sero, snar, snee, soar, soca, soce, sone, sora, sore, sorn, srac

3 Letter Words for Resonance

ace, aer, aes, anc, ane, ann, ans, aor, arc, are, arn, ars, ase, can, car, cee, cen, ceo, cer, cns, con, cor, cos, cro, crs, ean, ear, eas, eco, eec, een, eer, enc, ene, ens, eon, eos, era, ere, ern, ers, esc, ese, esr, nae, nar, nas, nco, nea, nee, neo, nne, noa, non, nor, nos, oar, oas, oca, oer, oes, ona, one, ons, ora, orc, ore, ors, ose, ran, ras, rea, rec, ree, res, rna, roc, roe, ron, ros, sac, san, sao, sar, scr, sea, sec, see, sen, ser, soc, son

Definitions for Resonance

[1] the state or quality of being resonant.
[2] the prolongation of sound by reflection; reverberation.
[3] Phonetics . amplification of the range of audibility of any source of speech sounds, especially of phonation, by various couplings of the cavities of the mouth, nose, sinuses, larynx, pharynx, and upper thorax, and, to some extent, by the skeletal structure of the head and upper chest. the distribution of amplitudes among interrelated cavities in the head, chest, and throat that are characteristic for a particular speech sound and relatively independent of variations in pitch.
[4] Physics . the state of a system in which an abnormally large vibration is produced in response to an external stimulus, occurring when the frequency of the stimulus is the same, or nearly the same, as the natural vibration frequency of the system. the vibration produced in such a state. a hadron with a very short lifetime, of the order of 10−23 sec.
[5] Electricity . that condition of a circuit with respect to a given frequency or the like in which the net reactance is zero and the current flow a maximum.
[6] Also called mesomerism. Chemistry . the condition exhibited by a molecule when the actual arrangement of its valence electrons is intermediate between two or more arrangements having nearly the same energy, and the positions of the atomic nuclei are identical.
[7] Medicine/Medical . (in percussing for diagnostic purposes) a sound produced when air is present.
[8] the condition or quality of being resonant
[9] sound produced by a body vibrating in sympathy with a neighbouring source of sound
[10] the condition of a body or system when it is subjected to a periodic disturbance of the same frequency as the natural frequency of the body or system. At this frequency the system displays an enhanced oscillation or vibration
[11] amplification of speech sounds by sympathetic vibration in the bone structure of the head and chest, resounding in the cavities of the nose, mouth, and pharynx
[12] electronics the condition of an electrical circuit when the frequency is such that the capacitive and inductive reactances are equal in magnitude. In a series circuit there is then maximum alternating current whilst in a parallel circuit there is minimum alternating current
[13] med the sound heard when percussing a hollow bodily structure, esp the chest or abdomen. Change in the quality of the sound often indicates an underlying disease or disorder
[14] chem the phenomenon in which the electronic structure of a molecule can be represented by two or more hypothetical structures involving single, double, and triple chemical bonds. The true structure is considered to be an average of these theoretical structures
[15] physics the condition of a system in which there is a sharp maximum probability for the absorption of electromagnetic radiation or capture of particles a type of elementary particle of extremely short lifetime. Resonances are regarded as excited states of more stable particles a highly transient atomic state formed during a collision process

Words related to Resonance

fullness, vibration, sonority

Words nearby Resonance

resolvable, resolve, resolved, resolvent, resolving power, resonance, resonance radiation, resonant, resonant cavity, resonant circuit, resonant-jet engine

Origin of Resonance

1485–95; < Middle French < Latin resonantia echo, equivalent to reson(āre ) to resound + -antia -ance

Other words from Resonance

hy·per·res·o·nance , noun

Word origin for Resonance

C16: from Latin resonāre to resound

Synonyms for Resonance

fullness, plangency, sonority, vibration