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Showing words for RESTITUTION using the English dictionary

11 Letter Words for Restitution


10 Letter Words for Restitution


9 Letter Words for Restitution

institute, intourist, introitus, itinerous, nitrosite, ritenutos, routinist, teutonist, troutiest, tutiorist

8 Letter Words for Restitution

institor, institue, intortus, introits, ironiest, neuritis, nitrites, nittiest, nuttiest, ortstein, ritenuto, routines, runtiest, rutinose, ruttiest, snottier, snoutier, stintier, sturtion, sturtite, tenorist, tintiest, totients, toustier, toutiest, tritones, tuitions, uteritis

7 Letter Words for Restitution

entiris, entrist, entrust, inosite, instore, intorts, introit, intruse, intruso, intuito, intuits, ironies, ironist, iturite, nitrite, nitrous, nittier, noisier, norites, nutsier, nutters, nuttier, orients, ouriest, oustiti, outsert, outtire, retints, riotist, rottens, routine, sertion, sitient, sittine, snotter, snottie, snouter, soutter, stentor, stinter, stoiter, stonier, stotter, stourie, stouten, stouter, stretti, stretto, stunter, sturine, sturtin, stutter, tenutos, tersion, tertius, tetrous, teutons, tiniest, tinters, tintier, tintist, titters, titties, toniest, tonites, tonsure, tornesi, totient, totters, tottier, totties, touries, tourist, tousier, toustie, touters, toutier, triones, tritest, tritone, tritons, triunes, trottie, trusion, trusten, trutine, tueiron, tuition, tuniest, turions, tutster, tutties, uniters, unities, unstore, untrist, untrite, urinose

6 Letter Words for Restitution

entour, estrin, ettins, inerts, insert, insite, insure, inters, intire, intort, intros, intrus, intuit, intuse, inures, irones, isuret, nestor, niters, nitros, nitter, noires, norite, nosier, nosite, noster, noters, notist, nutter, onsite, orient, orites, ostein, ostent, otitis, otters, ouster, outers, outset, outsin, outsit, resuit, retint, rontes, rotten, rottes, rouens, routes, runite, rusine, rutins, senior, seniti, setout, sinter, sitten, sitter, soneri, sorite, sortie, sotter, sottie, souren, souter, sterin, stoner, stoter, stotin, stoure, streit, strent, strine, strone, strout, strunt, sturin, sturte, suiter, suitor, sutten, sutter, suttin, tenors, tensor, tentor, tenuis, tenuit, tenuti, tenuto, tertii, tertio, terton, teston, testor, teuton, tiento, tinier, tinies, tinter, tintie, tiroes, titers, titien, titter, tittie, toners, tonier, tonies, tonite, toriis, tornus, torten, tortes, tortie, tortis, tortue, toters, totten, totter, tottie, tourie, tourne, tourte, touser, touter, toutie, tretis, triens, trines, triose, triste, trites, triton, triune, trones, trouse, trouts, truest, tuners, tunier, tunist, turion, tursio, tutors, tuttis, uniter, unites, unrest, unsore, unsort, unties, untire, urines, urites, ursine, ursone, urtite, ustion, utters

5 Letter Words for Restitution

enrut, entsi, eosin, estro, ettin, etuis, euois, euros, inert, inset, instr, insue, inter, intis, intro, intue, inuit, inure, inust, iortn, ireos, irone, irons, irous, isort, iters, neist, nerts, niris, nisei, niter, nitos, nitro, noire, noirs, noise, norie, noris, norit, norse, noser, noter, notes, notus, nurse, oints, oisin, oners, onset, ornes, ornis, ortet, osier, otter, ourie, outen, outer, outre, reins, reist, rents, resin, resit, resun, retin, rines, rinse, riots, risen, rites, ritsu, ritts, ritus, roins, roist, rones, ronte, ronts, roset, rosin, rosit, rosti, rotes, rotis, rotte, rouen, roues, rouse, roust, route, routs, ruins, runes, runts, rusot, rutin, senit, senor, senti, serin, serio, seron, serut, seton, sient, sieur, siren, sitio, snirt, snite, snore, snort, snout, snurt, sotie, sruti, stein, steno, stent, steri, stern, stero, stert, stine, stint, stion, stire, stite, stoit, stone, store, stott, stoun, stout, strit, strue, strut, stunt, sture, sturt, suent, suine, suint, suite, sutor, tenio, tenor, tenso, tents, terns, terts, tetri, tiens, tiers, tines, tints, tires, titer, titis, toise, toist, toits, toner, tones, tonus, tores, toret, torii, torse, torte, torts, torus, toter, totes, touns, tourn, tours, tourt, touse, toust, touts, trest, tries, trine, trins, trios, trist, trite, trois, trone, trons, trots, troue, trout, trues, trust, tsine, tuner, tunes, tunis, turin, turio, turns, turse, tutin, tutor, tutti, tutto, unist, unite, units, unset, untie, urent, urine, urite, urson, usent, usine, uster, uteri, utero, utter

4 Letter Words for Restitution

ento, entr, eons, erin, eris, erns, eros, erst, eton, etui, euoi, euro, init, inro, inst, inti, into, intr, ions, ires, iris, iron, isnt, iter, iure, nest, neti, nets, neut, nies, nisi, nist, nito, nits, noes, noir, nore, nori, nose, note, nots, nott, nous, nout, nurs, nuts, oint, oner, ones, onst, onus, ores, orts, otis, otus, ourn, ours, oust, outr, outs, rein, reit, reno, rent, rest, rets, ries, rine, rins, riot, rise, rist, rite, rits, ritt, roes, roin, roit, rone, ront, rose, rost, rote, roti, rots, roue, roun, rous, rout, ruen, rues, ruin, rune, runs, runt, ruse, rust, ruts, seir, seit, sent, seor, sero, sert, sett, sien, sier, sine, sion, sire, siri, site, siti, situ, snit, snot, snur, soir, sone, sore, sori, sorn, sort, sour, sout, sten, ster, stet, stie, stir, stor, stot, stre, stue, stun, stut, suer, suet, suit, sune, suni, sunt, sure, tens, tent, tern, test, tets, tien, tier, ties, tine, tins, tint, tire, tite, titi, tits, toes, toit, tone, tons, tore, tori, torn, tors, tort, toru, tose, tote, tots, toun, tour, tout, tres, tret, trie, trin, trio, trit, tron, trot, true, trun, tsun, tues, tuis, tune, tuno, tuns, turn, tute, tuts, unie, unio, unis, unit, unto, ures, urns, user, utes, utis

3 Letter Words for Restitution

eir, ens, eon, eos, ern, ers, ert, esr, est, esu, ins, int, ion, ios, iou, ire, irs, ise, isn, iso, ist, its, nei, neo, net, nie, nis, nit, nor, nos, not, nur, nus, nut, oer, oes, oie, oii, ois, one, oni, ons, ont, ore, ors, ort, ose, osi, oui, our, ous, out, rei, res, rie, rin, rio, rit, roe, roi, ron, ros, rot, rte, rti, rue, run, rut, sei, sen, ser, set, sie, sin, sir, sit, son, sot, sou, sri, str, sue, sui, sun, sur, ten, ter, tes, tet, tie, tin, tis, tit, tiu, tnt, toe, toi, ton, tor, tos, tot, tou, tri, trs, trt, tsi, tst, tue, tui, tun, tur, tut, uit, uni, uns, ure, urn, urs, use, ust, ute, uti, uts

Definitions for Restitution

[1] reparation made by giving an equivalent or compensation for loss, damage, or injury caused; indemnification.
[2] the restoration of property or rights previously taken away, conveyed, or surrendered.
[3] restoration to the former or original state or position.
[4] Physics . the return to an original physical condition, especially after elastic deformation.
[5] the act of giving back something that has been lost or stolen
[6] law the act of compensating for loss or injury by reverting as far as possible to the position before such injury occurred
[7] the return of an object or system to its original state, esp a restoration of shape after elastic deformation

Words related to Restitution

refund, reparation, reimbursement, rebate, redress, indemnity, payment, restoration, return, quittance, indemnification, reprisal, satisfaction, amends, recompense, dues, requital, remuneration

Words nearby Restitution

resting, resting cell, resting place, resting tidal volume, restitute, restitution, restive, restless, restless cavy, restless legs syndrome, resto

Origin of Restitution

1350–1400; Middle English restitucioun < Old French restitution, restitucion < Latin restitūtiōn- (stem of restitūtiō ) a rebuilding, restoration, equivalent to restitūt(us ) restitute + -iōn- -ion

Other words from Restitution

res·ti·tu·tive , res·ti·tu·to·ry [res-ti-too -tuh -ree, -tyoo -] /ˌrɛs tɪˈtu tə ri, -ˈtyu-/ , adjective
non·res·ti·tu·tion , noun
un·res·ti·tu·tive , adjective

Word origin for Restitution

C13: from Latin rēstitūtiō , from rēstituere to rebuild, from re- + statuere to set up

Synonyms for Restitution

indemnity, payment, rebate, redress, refund, reimbursement, reparation, restoration, amends, dues, indemnification, quittance, recompense, remuneration, reprisal, requital, return, satisfaction, squaring things