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Showing words for RETAIL using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Retail
5 Letter Words for Retail
4 Letter Words for Retail
3 Letter Words for Retail
Definitions for Retail
[1] the sale of goods to ultimate consumers, usually in small quantities (opposed to wholesale).
[2] pertaining to, connected with, or engaged in sale at retail: the retail price.
[3] in a retail quantity or at a retail price.
[4] to sell at retail; sell directly to the consumer.
[5] to relate or repeat in detail to others: to retail scandal.
[6] to be sold at retail: It retails at 50 cents.
[7] the sale of goods individually or in small quantities to consumers Compare wholesale (def. 1)
[8] of, relating to, or engaged in such selling retail prices
[9] in small amounts or at a retail price
[10] to sell or be sold in small quantities to consumers
[11] (rɪˈteɪl ) (tr) to relate (gossip, scandal, etc) in detail, esp persistently
Words related to Retail
peddle, barter, dispense, distribute, trade, hawk, market
Words nearby Retail
resveratrol, reszke, ret, ret., retable, retail, retail politics, retail price index, retail therapy, retailing, retain
Origin of Retail
1375–1425; (noun) late Middle English < Anglo-French: a cutting, derivative of retailler to cut, equivalent to re- re- + tailler to cut (see tail2); (v.) Middle English retailen < Old French retailler
Other words from Retail
re·tail·er , noun
non·re·tail , adjective
non·re·tail·er , noun
Word origin for Retail
C14: from Old French retaillier to cut off, from re- + taillier to cut; see tailor