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Showing words for RETREAT using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Retreat
6 Letter Words for Retreat
5 Letter Words for Retreat
4 Letter Words for Retreat
3 Letter Words for Retreat
Definitions for Retreat
[1] the forced or strategic withdrawal of an army or an armed force before an enemy, or the withdrawing of a naval force from action.
[2] the act of withdrawing, as into safety or privacy; retirement; seclusion.
[3] a place of refuge, seclusion, or privacy: The library was his retreat.
[4] an asylum, as for the insane.
[5] a retirement or a period of retirement for religious exercises and meditation.
[6] Military . a flag-lowering ceremony held at sunset on a military post. the bugle call or drumbeat played at this ceremony.
[7] the recession of a surface, as a wall or panel, from another surface beside it.
[8] to withdraw, retire, or draw back, especially for shelter or seclusion.
[9] to make a retreat: The army retreated.
[10] to slope backward; recede: a retreating chin.
[11] to draw or lead back.
[12] beat a retreat , to withdraw or retreat, especially hurriedly or in disgrace.
[13] to treat again.
[14] military to withdraw or retire in the face of or from action with an enemy, either due to defeat or in order to adopt a more favourable position
[15] to retire or withdraw, as to seclusion or shelter
[16] (of a person's features) to slope back; recede
[17] (tr) chess to move (a piece) back
[18] the act of retreating or withdrawing
[19] military a withdrawal or retirement in the face of the enemy a bugle call signifying withdrawal or retirement, esp (formerly) to within a defended fortification
[20] retirement or seclusion
[21] a place, such as a sanatorium or monastery, to which one may retire for refuge, quiet, etc
[22] a period of seclusion, esp for religious contemplation
[23] an institution, esp a private one, for the care and treatment of people who are mentally ill, infirm, elderly, etc
Words related to Retreat
evacuation, flight, withdrawal, sanctuary, hideaway, shelter, resort, haven, refuge, reverse, depart, backtrack, retire, recede, evacuate, leave, abandon, withdraw, escape, go
Words nearby Retreat
retractor, retrain, retrainee, retral, retread, retreat, retreat from reality, retreatant, retreatism, retrench, retrenchment
Origin of Retreat
-treatFirst recorded in 1880–85; re- + treat
Words that may be confused with Retreat
WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, re-treatre-treat, retreat
Other words from Retreat
re·treat·al , adjective
re·treat·er , noun
re·treat·ive , adjective
Word origin for Retreat
C14: from Old French retret , from retraire to withdraw, from Latin retrahere to pull back; see retract