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Showing words for REVERIE using the English dictionary

7 Letter Words for Reverie


6 Letter Words for Reverie

eerier, reiver, revere, riever, verier

5 Letter Words for Reverie

eerie, reeve, reive, reree, rever, revie, rieve, river, verre

4 Letter Words for Reverie

eire, erer, erie, ever, ieee, reve, rier, rive, veer, veri, vier

3 Letter Words for Reverie

eer, eir, ere, err, eve, ire, ive, ree, rei, rev, rie, riv, vee, vei, ver, vie

Definitions for Reverie

[1] a state of dreamy meditation or fanciful musing: lost in reverie.
[2] a daydream.
[3] a fantastic, visionary, or impractical idea: reveries that will never come to fruition.
[4] Music . an instrumental composition of a vague and dreamy character.
[5] an act or state of absent-minded daydreaming to fall into a reverie
[6] a piece of instrumental music suggestive of a daydream
[7] archaic a fanciful or visionary notion; daydream

Words related to Reverie

fantasy, meditation, contemplation, trance, abstraction, absorption, study, muse, thought, detachment, musing, dreaming, inattention, trip, preoccupation, woolgathering, phantasy, pensiveness, dreaminess

Words nearby Reverie

reverence, reverend, reverend mother, reverent, reverential, reverie, revers, reversal, reversal film, reversal plate, reversal process

Origin of Reverie

1325–75; Middle English < Old French reverie, derivative of rever to speak wildly. See rave1, -ery

Word origin for Reverie

C14: from Old French resverie wildness, from resver to behave wildly, of uncertain origin; see rave 1

Synonyms for Reverie

contemplation, fantasy, meditation, trance, absorption, abstraction, detachment, dreaminess, dreaming, inattention, muse, musing, pensiveness, phantasy, preoccupation, study, thought, trip, woolgathering, absent-mindedness, castle-building, castles in the air, fool's paradise, head trip, mind trip, pipe dream