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Showing words for REVISING using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Revising
7 Letter Words for Revising
6 Letter Words for Revising
5 Letter Words for Revising
4 Letter Words for Revising
3 Letter Words for Revising
Definitions for Revising
[1] to amend or alter: to revise one's opinion.
[2] to alter something already written or printed, in order to make corrections, improve, or update: to revise a manuscript.
[3] British . to review (previously studied materials) in preparation for an examination.
[4] an act of revising.
[5] a revised form of something; revision.
[6] Printing . a proof sheet taken after alterations have been made, for further examination or correction.
[7] (tr) to change, alter, or amend to revise one's opinion
[8] British to reread (a subject or notes on it) so as to memorize it, esp in preparation for an examination
[9] (tr) to prepare a new version or edition of (a previously printed work)
[10] the act, process, or result of revising; revision
Words related to Revising
revisetighten, cut, overhaul, reexamine, scrutinize, rewrite, amend, review, develop, modify, update, compare, revamp, reorganize, upgrade, reconsider, rework, alter, improve, perfect
Words nearby Revising
revisereviewal, reviewer, revile, revillagigedo islands, revisal, revise, revised standard version, revised version, revised version of the bible, revision, revisionary
Origin of Revising
e1560–70; < Latin revīsere to look back at, revisit, frequentative of revidēre to see again; see review
Words that may be confused with Revising
WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, reviseredact, revise
Other words from Revising
re·vis·a·ble , re·vis·i·ble , adjective
re·vis·a·bil·i·ty , noun
re·vis·er , re·vi·sor , noun
pre·re·vise , verb (used with object), pre·re·vised, pre·re·vis·ing.
un·re·vised , adjective
well-re·vised , adjective
Word origin for Revising
eC16: from Latin revīsere to look back at, from re- + vīsere to inspect, from vidēre to see; see review , visit
Synonyms for Revising
alter, amend, compare, cut, develop, improve, modify, overhaul, reconsider, reexamine, reorganize, revamp, review, rework, rewrite, scrutinize, tighten, update, upgrade, blue-pencil, change, debug, emend, launder, perfect, polish, recast, redo, redraft, rehash, scan, scrub, study, clean up, go over, look over, recalibrate, redraw, restyle, run through