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Showing words for RISEN using the English dictionary
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Definitions for Risen
[1] to get up from a lying, sitting, or kneeling posture; assume an upright position: She rose and walked over to greet me. With great effort he rose to his knees.
[2] to get up from bed, especially to begin the day after a night's sleep: to rise early.
[3] to become erect and stiff, as the hair in fright.
[4] to get up after falling or being thrown down.
[5] to become active in opposition or resistance; revolt or rebel.
[6] to be built up, erected, or constructed.
[7] to spring up or grow, as plants: Weeds rose overnight.
[8] to become prominent on or project from a surface, as a blister.
[9] to come into existence; appear.
[10] to come into action, as a wind or storm.
[11] to occur: A quarrel rose between them.
[12] to originate, issue, or be derived; to have a source.
[13] to move from a lower to a higher position; move upward; ascend: The bird rose in the air.
[14] to ascend above the horizon, as a heavenly body.
[15] to extend directly upward; project vertically: The tower rises to a height of 60 feet. The building rises above the city's other skyscrapers.
[16] to have an upward slant or curve: The path rises as it approaches the woods.
[17] to attain higher rank, status, or importance or a higher economic level: to rise in the world.
[18] to advance to a higher level of action, thought, feeling, etc.: to rise above the commonplace.
[19] Angling . (of fish) to come up toward the surface of the water in pursuit of food or bait.
[20] to prove oneself equal to a demand, emergency, etc. (followed by to ): to rise to the occasion; to rise to one's responsibilities.
[21] to become animated, cheerful, or heartened, as the spirits.
[22] to become roused or stirred: to feel one's temper rising.
[23] to increase in height, as the level of water: The river rose thirty feet in eight hours.
[24] to swell or puff up, as dough from the action of yeast.
[25] to increase in amount, as prices.
[26] to increase in price or value, as commodities.
[27] to increase in degree, intensity, or force, as fever, color, etc.
[28] to become louder or of higher pitch, as the voice.
[29] to adjourn or close a session, as a deliberative body or court.
[30] to return from the dead: Christ rose from the dead and on the third day ascended into heaven.
[31] Nonstandard . to cause to rise.
[32] Nautical . to cause (something) to rise above the visible horizon by approaching nearer to it; raise.
[33] an act or instance of rising.
[34] appearance above the horizon, as of the sun or moon.
[35] elevation or increase in rank, fortune, influence, power, etc.: the rise and fall of ancient Rome.
[36] an increase in height, as of the level of water.
[37] the amount of such increase.
[38] an increase in amount, as of prices.
[39] an increase in price or value, as of commodities.
[40] Chiefly British . raise(defs 33–35) .
[41] an increase in degree or intensity, as of temperature.
[42] an increase in loudness or in pitch, as of the voice.
[43] Architecture , Building Trades . the measured height of any of various things, as a roof, a flight of steps, a stair step, or the crown of a road. the measured height of an arch from the springing line to the highest point of the intrados.
[44] the vertical distance through which the floor of an elevator or the like passes.
[45] origin, source, or beginning: the rise of a stream in a mountain.
[46] a coming into existence or notice: the rise of a new talent.
[47] extension upward.
[48] the amount of such extension.
[49] upward slope, as of ground or a road.
[50] a piece of rising or high ground: a house built upon a gentle rise.
[51] the distance between the crotch and the waist of a pair of trousers: Pants with a high rise are now in style.
[52] Angling . the coming up of a fish toward the surface in pursuit of food or bait.
[53] rise above , to ignore or be indifferent to, as an insult.
[54] get a rise out of , Informal . to provoke, as to action or anger. to evoke the expected or desired response from.
[55] give rise to , to originate; produce; cause: The Industrial Revolution gave rise to accelerated urbanization.
[56] the past participle of rise
[57] restored from death; ascended into glory the risen Christ
[58] to get up from a lying, sitting, kneeling, or prone position
[59] to get out of bed, esp to begin one's day he always rises early
[60] to move from a lower to a higher position or place; ascend
[61] to ascend or appear above the horizon the sun is rising
[62] to increase in height or level the water rose above the normal level
[63] to attain higher rank, status, or reputation he will rise in the world
[64] to be built or erected those blocks of flats are rising fast
[65] to become apparent; appear new troubles rose to afflict her
[66] to increase in strength, degree, intensity, etc her spirits rose ; the wind is rising
[67] to increase in amount or value house prices are always rising
[68] to swell up dough rises
[69] to become erect, stiff, or rigid the hairs on his neck rose in fear
[70] (of one's stomach or gorge) to manifest or feel nausea; retch
[71] to become actively rebellious; revolt the people rose against their oppressors
[72] to slope upwards the ground rises beyond the lake
[73] to return from the dead; be resurrected
[74] to originate; come into existence that river rises in the mountains
[75] (of a session of a court, legislative assembly, etc) to come to an end; adjourn
[76] angling (of fish) to come to the surface of the water, as when taking flies
[77] (tr) nautical another term for raise (def. 20)
[78] (often foll by to) informal to respond (to teasing, etc) or fall into a trap prepared for one
[79] the act or an instance of rising; ascent
[80] an increase in height; elevation
[81] an increase in rank, status, or position
[82] an increase in amount, cost, or value
[83] an increase in degree or intensity
[84] British an increase in salary or wages US and Canadian word: raise
[85] a piece of rising ground
[86] an upward slope or incline
[87] the appearance of the sun, moon, or other celestial body above the horizon
[88] the vertical height of a step or of a flight of stairs
[89] the vertical height of a roof above the walls or columns
[90] the height of an arch above the impost level
[91] angling the act or instance of fish coming to the surface of the water to take flies, etc
[92] the beginning, origin, or source; derivation
[93] slang an erection of the penis
[94] get a rise out of or take a rise out of to provoke an angry or petulant reaction from
[95] give rise to to cause the development of; produce
Words related to Risen
riserocket, surge, lift, climb, grow, soar, raise, advance, double, swell, ascend, accelerate, multiply, build, improve, expand, emerge, begin, develop, go
Words nearby Risen
riseripstop nylon, riptide, ripuarian, riroriro, risc, rise, rise above, rise and shine, rise from the ashes, rise in the world, rise through the ranks
Origin of Risen
before 1000; Middle English risen (v.), Old English rīsan; cognate with Dutch rijzen, Old High German rīsan, Gothic reisan; akin to raise, rear2
Words that may be confused with Risen
WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, riseraise, rise, (see, usage, note, at, raise)
Other words from Risen
half-rise , noun
re·rise , verb, re·rose, re·ris·en, re·ris·ing.
un·ris·en , adjective
Word origin for Risen
Old English rīsan ; related to Old Saxon rīsan , Gothic reisan
Synonyms for Risen
climb, grow, lift, move up, push up, rocket, soar, surge, arise, arouse, aspire, awake, levitate, mount, rouse, scale, sprout, surface, surmount, tower, up, be erect, be located, be situated, blast off, bob up, come up, get out of bed, get steeper, get to one's feet, go uphill, have foundation, pile out, reach up, rise and shine, rise up, roll out, sit up, slope upwards, stand up, straighten up, sweep upward, turn out, upspring