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Showing words for RISER using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Riser
4 Letter Words for Riser
3 Letter Words for Riser
Definitions for Riser
[1] a person who rises, especially from bed: to be an early riser.
[2] the vertical face of a stair step.
[3] any of a group of long boards or narrow platforms that can be combined in stepwise fashion: The choir stood on a horseshoe of risers behind the orchestra.
[4] a vertical pipe, duct, or conduit.
[5] Metallurgy . a chamber or enlarged opening at the top of a mold for allowing air to escape or adding extra metal.
[6] Nautical . a heavy strake of planking in the vicinity of the garboard strake in a wooden vessel. rising(def 10) .
[7] a person who rises, esp from bed an early riser
[8] the vertical part of a stair or step
[9] a vertical pipe, esp one within a building
Words nearby Riser
rise through the ranks, rise to, rise to the bait, rise to the occasion, risen, riser, rishi, risibility, risible, rising, rising action
Origin of Riser
Middle English word dating back to 1350–1400; see origin at rise, -er1