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Showing words for RITE using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Rite
3 Letter Words for Rite
Definitions for Rite
[1] a formal or ceremonial act or procedure prescribed or customary in religious or other solemn use: rites of baptism; sacrificial rites.
[2] a particular form or system of religious or other ceremonial practice: the Roman rite.
[3] (often initial capital letter ) a liturgy or liturgical system, especially one of the historical versions of the Eucharistic service: the Anglican Rite.
[4] (sometimes initial capital letter ) Eastern Church , Western Church . a division or differentiation of churches based on liturgical practice.
[5] any customary observance or practice: the rite of afternoon tea.
[6] a formal act or procedure prescribed or customary in religious ceremonies fertility rites ; the rite of baptism
[7] a particular body of such acts or procedures, esp of a particular Christian Church the Latin rite
[8] a Christian Church the Greek rite
Words related to Rite
observance, formality, ritual, sacrament, custom, liturgy, occasion, procedure, celebration, form, service, solemnity, ordinance, practice, communion, act, ceremonial
Words nearby Rite
risus sardonicus, rit., rita, ritalin, ritardando, rite, rite de passage, rite of intensification, rite of passage, rite of spring, the, ritenuto
Origin of Rite
1275–1325; Middle English (< Old French rit(e )) < Latin rītus
Words that may be confused with Rite
Other words from Rite
rite·less , adjective
rite·less·ness , noun
Word origin for Rite
C14: from Latin rītus religious ceremony
Synonyms for Rite
Sacrament, celebration, custom, formality, liturgy, observance, occasion, procedure, ritual, act, ceremonial, communion, form, ordinance, practice, service, solemnity