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Showing words for RIVAL using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Rival
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3 Letter Words for Rival
Definitions for Rival
[1] a person who is competing for the same object or goal as another, or who tries to equal or outdo another; competitor.
[2] a person or thing that is in a position to dispute another's preeminence or superiority: a stadium without a rival.
[3] Obsolete . a companion in duty.
[4] competing or standing in rivalry: rival suitors; rival businesses.
[5] to compete with in rivalry: strive to win from, equal, or outdo.
[6] to prove to be a worthy rival of: He soon rivaled the others in skill.
[7] to equal (something) as if in carrying on a rivalry: The Hudson rivals any European river in beauty.
[8] to engage in rivalry; compete.
[9] a person, organization, team, etc, that competes with another for the same object or in the same field (as modifier ) rival suitors ; a rival company
[10] a person or thing that is considered the equal of another or others she is without rival in the field of economics
[11] to be the equal or near equal of an empire that rivalled Rome
[12] to try to equal or surpass; compete with in rivalry
Words related to Rival
competing, competitor, contender, competition, challenger, peer, adversary, opponent, emulate, equal, resemble, conflicting, opposed, cutthroat, combatant, battling, vying, combating, contesting
Words nearby Rival
ritz, ritz combination principle, ritzy, riv., rivage, rival, rivalrous, rivalry, rivals, the, rive, rivel
Origin of Rival
1570–80; < Latin rīvālis orig., one who uses a stream in common with another, equivalent to rīv(us ) stream + -ālis -al1
Other words from Rival
ri·val·less , adjective
non·ri·val , noun, adjective
out·ri·val , verb (used with object), out·ri·valed, out·ri·val·ing or (especially British ) out·ri·valled, out·ri·val·ling.
un·ri·val·ing , adjective
un·ri·val·ling , adjective
Word origin for Rival
C16: from Latin rīvalis , literally: one who shares the same brook, from rīvus a brook
Synonyms for Rival
competing, battling, combatant, combating, conflicting, contending, contesting, cutthroat, disputing, emulating, equal, opposed, striving, vying, competitive, emulous