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Showing words for ROBES using the English dictionary

5 Letter Words for Robes

boers, bores, boser, brose, robes, sober

4 Letter Words for Robes

boer, bore, bors, bose, bros, ebro, eros, obes, orbs, ores, rebs, robe, robs, roes, rose, seor, serb, sero, sorb, sore

3 Letter Words for Robes

ber, bes, boe, bor, bos, bro, ebs, eos, ers, esr, obe, obs, oer, oes, orb, ore, ors, ose, reb, res, rob, roe, ros, sbe, ser, sob

Definitions for Robes

[1] a long, loose or flowing gown or outer garment worn by men or women as ceremonial dress, an official vestment, or garb of office.
[2] any long, loose garment, especially one for wear while lounging or preparing to dress, as a bathrobe or dressing gown.
[3] a woman's gown or dress, especially of a more elaborate kind: a robe for the evening.
[4] robes, apparel in general; dress; costume.
[5] a piece of fur, cloth, knitted work, etc., used as a blanket, covering, or wrap: a buffalo robe; a lap robe.
[6] to clothe or invest with a robe or robes; dress; array.
[7] to put on a robe.
[8] any loose flowing garment, esp the official vestment of a peer, judge, or academic
[9] a dressing gown or bathrobe
[10] Australian informal a wardrobe
[11] to put a robe, etc, on (oneself or someone else); dress

Words related to Robes

robefrock, garment, bathrobe, vestment, costume, dress, kimono, mantle, habit, negligee, wrapper, outfit, cape, covering, housecoat, muumuu, peignoir

Words nearby Robes

roberobbery, robbia, robbin, robbins, robbinsdale, robe, robe-de-chambre, robert, robert guiscard, robert i, robert ii

Origin of Robes

1225–75; Middle English < Old French: orig., spoil, booty < Germanic (akin to rob); compare Old High German roub > German Raub

Other words from Robes

robe·less , adjective
rob·er , noun
un·der·robe , noun

Word origin for Robes

C13: from Old French: of Germanic origin; compare Old French rober to rob , Old High German roub booty

Synonyms for Robes

bathrobe, costume, dress, frock, garment, kimono, vestment, cape, covering, habit, housecoat, mantle, muumuu, negligee, outfit, peignoir, wrapper, dressing gown