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Showing words for ROCK using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Rock
3 Letter Words for Rock
Definitions for Rock
[1] a large mass of stone forming a hill, cliff, promontory, or the like.
[2] Geology . mineral matter of variable composition, consolidated or unconsolidated, assembled in masses or considerable quantities in nature, as by the action of heat or water. a particular kind of such matter: igneous rock.
[3] stone in the mass: buildings that stand upon rock.
[4] a stone of any size.
[5] something resembling or suggesting a rock.
[6] a firm foundation or support: The Lord is my rock.
[7] Chiefly British . a kind of hard candy, variously flavored.
[8] rock candy.
[9] Often rocks . Slang . a piece of money. a dollar bill.
[10] Slang . a diamond. any gem.
[11] Slang . crack(def 33) . a pellet or lump of crack.
[12] between a rock and a hard place , between undesirable alternatives.
[13] get one's rocks off , Slang : Vulgar . to have an orgasm.
[14] on the rocks , Informal . in or into a state of disaster or ruin: Their marriage is on the rocks. Informal . without funds; destitute; bankrupt. (of a beverage, especially liquor or a cocktail) with, or containing, ice cubes: Scotch on the rocks; a vodka martini on the rocks.
[15] to move or sway to and fro or from side to side.
[16] to be moved or swayed powerfully with excitement, emotion, etc.
[17] Mining . (of sand or gravel) to be washed in a cradle.
[18] to dance to or play rock music.
[19] (of popular music) to have the driving beat characteristic of rock.
[20] Slang . to be very good, impressive, exciting, or effective: This show really rocks.
[21] to move or sway to and fro or from side to side, especially gently and soothingly: Oh, look! Her big brother is rocking the baby to sleep.
[22] to lull in security, hope, etc.
[23] to affect deeply; stun; move or sway powerfully, as with emotion: Everyone in the courtroom was rocked by the verdict.
[24] to shake or disturb violently: A thunderous explosion rocked the waterfront.
[25] Slang . to stir up; animate: We're gonna rock this joint tonight! to use, wear, or display in a showy, self-confident manner or to great effect: Only you could rock that hat! The game rocks some amazing new features.
[26] Graphic Arts . to roughen the surface of (a copperplate) with a rocker preparatory to scraping a mezzotint.
[27] Mining . cradle(def 22) .
[28] a rocking movement: the gentle rock of the boat.
[29] rock-'n'-roll(def 1) .
[30] rock-'n'-roll(def 2) .
[31] striped bass.
[32] a male given name.
[33] geology any aggregate of minerals that makes up part of the earth's crust. It may be unconsolidated, such as a sand, clay, or mud, or consolidated, such as granite, limestone, or coal See also igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic
[34] any hard mass of consolidated mineral matter, such as a boulder
[35] mainly US , Canadian and Australian a stone
[36] a person or thing suggesting a rock, esp in being dependable, unchanging, or providing firm foundation
[37] British a hard sweet, typically a long brightly-coloured peppermint-flavoured stick, sold esp in holiday resorts
[38] slang a jewel, esp a diamond
[39] short for rock salmon
[40] (plural) slang the testicles
[41] slang another name for crack (def. 29)
[42] between a rock and a hard place having to choose between two equally unpleasant alternatives
[43] on the rocks in a state of ruin or destitution (of drinks, esp whisky) served with ice
[44] to move or cause to move from side to side or backwards and forwards
[45] to reel or sway or cause (someone) to reel or sway, as with a violent shock or emotion
[46] (tr) to shake or move (something) violently
[47] (intr) to dance in the rock-and-roll style
[48] mining to wash (ore) or (of ore) to be washed in a cradle
[49] (tr) to roughen (a copper plate) with a rocker before engraving a mezzotint
[50] (tr) slang , mainly US to impress by wearing (an item of clothing) or playing (a musical instrument) She can still rock a miniskirt ; He rocks a guitar like nobody’s business
[51] rock the boat informal to create a disturbance in the existing situation
[52] a rocking motion
[53] short for rock and roll
[54] Also called: rock music any of various styles of pop music having a heavy beat, derived from rock and roll
[55] an informal name for Gibraltar
[56] a Canadian informal name for Newfoundland
Words related to Rock
metal, rubble, lava, earth, gravel, slab, shake, convulse, shock, jolt, swing, sway, quarry, shelf, crust, promontory, mass, bedrock, reef, lodge
Words nearby Rock
rochelle powders, rochelle salt, rochester, rochet, rocinante, rock, rock 'n' roll, rock and roll, rock and rye, rock barnacle, rock bass
Origin of Rock
3First recorded in 1690–1700; short for rockfish
Words that may be confused with Rock
boulder, cobblestone, granule, pebble, rock, stone
Other words from Rock
rock·less , adjective
rock·like , adjective
rock·a·ble , adjective
rock·ing·ly , adverb
un·rocked , adjective
Word origin for Rock
Old English roccian ; related to Middle Dutch, Old High German rocken , German rücken
Synonyms for Rock
earth, gravel, lava, metal, rubble, slab, bedrock, boulder, cobblestone, crag, crust, lodge, mass, mineral, ore, pebble, promontory, quarry, reef, shelf, slag