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Showing words for ROOST using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Roost
4 Letter Words for Roost
3 Letter Words for Roost
Definitions for Roost
[1] a perch upon which birds or fowls rest at night.
[2] a large cage, house, or place for fowls or birds to roost in.
[3] a place for sitting, resting, or lodging.
[4] to sit or rest on a roost, perch, etc.
[5] to settle or stay, especially for the night.
[6] come home to roost , (of an action) to revert or react unfavorably to the doer; boomerang: an evil deed that came home to roost and ruined his life.
[7] rule the roost , to be in charge or control; dominate: It was only too apparent that his grandfather ruled the roost.
[8] a place, perch, branch, etc, where birds, esp domestic fowl, rest or sleep
[9] a temporary place to rest or stay
[10] rule the roost See rule (def. 20)
[11] (intr) to rest or sleep on a roost
[12] (intr) to settle down or stay
[13] come home to roost to have unfavourable repercussions
[14] the Roost a powerful current caused by conflicting tides around the Shetland and Orkney Islands
Words related to Roost
birdhouse, henhouse, abode, perch, land, sit, alight, settle, sleep, lodging
Words nearby Roost
roosevelt's court packing plan, roosevelt, eleanor, roosevelt, franklin d., roosevelt, theodore, rooseveltian, roost, rooster, rooster tail, roosterfish, root, root amputation
Origin of Roost
before 1100; Middle English roost (noun), Old English hrōst; cognate with Middle Dutch roest
Other words from Roost
un·roost·ed , adjective
un·roost·ing , adjective
Word origin for Roost
C16: from Old Norse röst