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Showing words for ROOT using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Root
3 Letter Words for Root
Definitions for Root
[1] a part of the body of a plant that develops, typically, from the radicle and grows downward into the soil, anchoring the plant and absorbing nutriment and moisture.
[2] a similar organ developed from some other part of a plant, as one of those by which ivy clings to its support.
[3] any underground part of a plant, as a rhizome.
[4] something resembling or suggesting the root of a plant in position or function: roots of wires and cables.
[5] the embedded or basal portion of a hair, tooth, nail, nerve, etc.
[6] the fundamental or essential part: the root of a matter.
[7] the source or origin of a thing: The love of money is the root of all evil.
[8] a person or family as the source of offspring or descendants.
[9] an offshoot or scion.
[10] Mathematics . Also called nth root . a quantity that, when raised to the nth power (multiplied by itself n times), produces a given quantity: The number 2 is the square root of 4, the cube root of 8, and the fourth root of 16. a value of the argument of a function for which the function takes the value zero.
[11] Computers . Also called root directory . the topmost directory of a hierarchical file system. the UNIX account, having the username “root,” that allows administrator privileges.
[12] Grammar . a morpheme that underlies an inflectional or derivational paradigm, as dance, the root in danced, dancer, or ten-, the root of Latin tendere “to stretch.” such a form reconstructed for a parent language, as *sed-, the hypothetical proto-Indo-European root meaning “sit.”
[13] roots, a person's original or true home, environment, and culture: He's lived in New York for twenty years, but his roots are in France. the personal relationships, affinity for a locale, habits, and the like, that make a country, region, city, or town one's true home: He lived in Tulsa for a few years, but never established any roots there. personal identification with a culture, religion, etc., seen as promoting the development of the character or the stability of society as a whole.
[14] Music . the fundamental tone of a compound tone or of a series of harmonies. the lowest tone of a chord when arranged as a series of thirds; the fundamental.
[15] Machinery . (in a screw or other threaded object) the narrow inner surface between threads. Compare crest(def 18) , flank(def 7) . (in a gear) the narrow inner surface between teeth.
[16] Australian Informal . an act of sexual intercourse.
[17] Shipbuilding . the inner angle of an angle iron.
[18] to fix by or as if by roots: We were rooted to the spot by surprise.
[19] to implant or establish deeply: Good manners were rooted in him like a second nature.
[20] to pull, tear, or dig up by the roots (often followed by up or out ).
[21] to extirpate; exterminate; remove completely (often followed by up or out ): to root out crime.
[22] Digital Technology . to gain access to the operating system of (a smartphone, tablet, gaming console, etc.), as to alter system files or settings. Compare jailbreak(def 3) . to install a rootkit on (a computer, electronic device, etc.).
[23] to become fixed or established.
[24] Digital Technology . to manipulate the operating system of a smartphone, tablet, etc. Compare jailbreak(def 4) .
[25] root and branch , utterly; entirely: to destroy something root and branch.
[26] take root , to send out roots; begin to grow. to become fixed or established: The prejudices of parents usually take root in their children.
[27] to turn up the soil with the snout, as swine.
[28] to poke, pry, or search, as if to find something: to root around in a drawer for loose coins.
[29] to turn over with the snout (often followed by up ).
[30] to unearth; bring to light (often followed by up ).
[31] to encourage a team or contestant by cheering or applauding enthusiastically.
[32] to lend moral support: The whole group will be rooting for him.
[33] El·i·hu [el -uh -hyoo] /ˈɛl əˌhyu/ , 1845–1937, U.S. lawyer and statesman: Nobel Peace Prize 1912.
[34] John Well·born [wel -bern] /ˈwɛl bərn/ , 1851–91, U.S. architect.
[35] the organ of a higher plant that anchors the rest of the plant in the ground, absorbs water and mineral salts from the soil, and does not bear leaves or buds (loosely) any of the branches of such an organ
[36] any plant part, such as a rhizome or tuber, that is similar to a root in structure, function, or appearance
[37] the essential, fundamental, or primary part or nature of something your analysis strikes at the root of the problem (as modifier ) the root cause of the problem
[38] anatomy the embedded portion of a tooth, nail, hair, etc
[39] origin or derivation, esp as a source of growth, vitality, or existence
[40] (plural) a person's sense of belonging in a community, place, etc, esp the one in which he was born or brought up
[41] an ancestor or antecedent
[42] Bible a descendant
[43] the form of a word that remains after removal of all affixes; a morpheme with lexical meaning that is not further subdivisible into other morphemes with lexical meaning Compare stem 1 (def. 9)
[44] maths a number or quantity that when multiplied by itself a certain number of times equals a given number or quantity 3 is a cube root of 27
[45] Also called: solution maths a number that when substituted for the variable satisfies a given equation 2 is a root of x³ – 2x – 4 = 0
[46] music (in harmony) the note forming the foundation of a chord
[47] Australian and NZ slang sexual intercourse
[48] root and branch (adverb) entirely; completely; utterly (adjective) thorough; radical; complete Related adjective: radical
[49] Also: take root (intr) to put forth or establish a root and begin to grow
[50] Also: take root (intr) to become established, embedded, or effective
[51] (tr) to fix or embed with or as if with a root or roots
[52] Australian and NZ slang to have sexual intercourse (with)
[53] (of a pig) to burrow in or dig up the earth in search of food, using the snout
[54] (foll by about, around, in etc ) informal to search vigorously but unsystematically
[55] (intr usually foll by for ) informal to give support to (a contestant, team, etc), as by cheering
Words related to Root
origin, heart, stuff, foundation, essence, soul, stem, source, seed, embed, ingrain, footing, groundwork, seat, motive, nub, ground, basis, provenance, germ
Words nearby Root
rooseveltian, roost, rooster, rooster tail, roosterfish, root, root amputation, root and branch, root beer, root canal, root canal therapy
Origin of Root
31885–90, Americanism ; perhaps variant of rout4
Words that may be confused with Root
Other words from Root
root·like , adjective
Word origin for Root
C19: perhaps a variant of Scottish rout to make a loud noise, from Old Norse rauta to roar
Synonyms for Root
essence, foundation, heart, origin, seed, soul, source, stem, stuff, basis, bedrock, beginnings, bottom, cause, center, crux, derivation, essentiality, footing, fountain, fountainhead, fundamental, germ, ground, groundwork, inception, infrastructure, mainspring, marrow, motive, nub, nucleus, occasion, pith, provenance, provenience, quick, quintessence, radicle, radix, reason, rhizome, seat, substance, substratum, tuber, underpinning, well, rock bottom, starting point