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Showing words for ROTOGRAVURE using the English dictionary

11 Letter Words for Rotogravure


8 Letter Words for Rotogravure

avoutrer, garroter, outrager, regrator

7 Letter Words for Rotogravure

avouter, garoter, garrote, gravure, groover, grouter, outgave, outgoer, outrage, outrave, outroar, outrove, ouvrage, overgot, rootage, rougeot, touareg, trouvre, verruga

6 Letter Words for Rotogravure

agorot, agrote, arguer, argute, aurore, avoure, garret, garroo, garrot, garter, gervao, gouter, grater, graver, groove, grover, grovet, orator, orgeat, outage, ouvert, ovator, overgo, ragout, ratero, reroot, retour, roarer, rooter, rorter, roture, router, rugate, rugrat, targer, tarrer, terrar, terror, toerag, torero, tourer, trogue, trover, tuareg, turgor, vaguer, veruta, voguer, vorage, vorago

5 Letter Words for Rotogravure

argot, argue, arret, arrgt, arter, artou, atour, auger, auget, autor, autre, avert, avoue, avour, erato, ergot, error, erugo, etrog, garoo, garre, gater, gator, gaure, gavot, goave, gorer, gorra, goter, gotra, grate, grave, great, greta, groat, groot, grote, grout, grove, gteau, oater, orage, orate, orgue, orvet, outer, outgo, outra, outre, ouvre, ovate, overt, rager, rarer, rater, ratoo, raver, regar, regur, reorg, retag, retar, retro, roate, roger, rogue, roove, roter, rotge, rotor, rouge, route, rover, rovet, rugae, targe, tarre, tarve, taver, tegua, terga, terra, togue, torve, tovar, trave, troue, trouv, trove, truer, tugra, urare, urate, urger, utero, uvate, vague, vaute, vertu, vogue, voter, vouge

4 Letter Words for Rotogravure

aero, ager, aget, ague, areg, aret, argo, arte, arvo, auge, aute, auto, aver, erat, ergo, eruv, etua, euro, gaet, gare, gart, gate, gaur, gaut, gave, gear, geat, geta, goar, goat, goer, goor, gora, gore, gote, goto, gout, gove, govt, grat, grav, gret, grot, grue, guao, guar, gurr, gurt, ogre, orae, oreo, orra, otoe, outa, outr, over, rage, rare, rate, rato, ratu, rave, rear, rego, regr, regt, roar, roer, root, rort, rota, rote, roto, roua, roue, rout, rove, ruer, ruga, ruta, tare, taro, tarr, taur, tave, tear, tega, tegu, tera, terr, toea, toga, toge, togo, tore, toro, torr, toru, toug, tour, trag, trav, trog, true, trug, turr, urao, urea, urge, uroo, urva, uvae, uvea, uvre, vage, vare, vatu, vaut, veau, vega, vera, vert, veta, veto, voar, voet, vogt, vota, vote

3 Letter Words for Rotogravure

aer, age, ago, agr, agt, aor, are, arg, arr, art, aru, ate, aug, ave, avg, avo, ear, eat, eau, ego, era, erg, err, ert, eta, evg, gar, gat, gau, geo, ger, get, goa, goo, gor, got, gou, gov, gra, gro, grr, gte, gue, gur, gut, guv, oar, oat, oer, oor, oot, ora, ore, org, ort, oto, our, out, ova, rag, rat, rea, reg, rev, roe, rog, roo, rot, rte, rue, rug, rut, tag, tao, tar, tau, tav, tea, teg, ter, toa, toe, tog, too, tor, tou, tov, tra, tua, tue, tug, tur, ugt, ura, ure, uta, ute, uva, vae, vag, var, vat, vau, veg, ver, vet, voe, vog, vor, vug

Definitions for Rotogravure

[1] a photomechanical process by which pictures, typeset matter, etc., are printed from an intaglio copper cylinder.
[2] a print made by this process.
[3] a section of a newspaper consisting of pages printed by the rotogravure process; magazine section.
[4] a printing process using a cylinder etched with many small recesses, from which ink is transferred to a moving web of paper, plastic, etc, in a rotary press
[5] printed material produced in this way, esp magazines

Words related to Rotogravure

illustration, inscription, etching, lithograph, woodcut, engraving, reproduction, impression, scratch, cutting, print, chasing, intaglio, mezzotint, photogravure, blocking, photoengraving, imprint, transferring

Words nearby Rotogravure

rotiform, rotisserie, rotisserie league baseball, rotl, roto, rotogravure, roton, rotor, rotor blade, rotor cloud, rotorcraft

Origin of Rotogravure

1910–15; < German Rotogravur, orig. in the name of a Berlin printing firm (Rotogravur Deutsche Tiefdruck Gesellschaft ), allegedly formed from the names of two other firms, Rotophot and Deutshe Photogravur AG; cf. photogravure, rotary

Word origin for Rotogravure

C20: from Latin rota wheel + gravure

Synonyms for Rotogravure

etching, illustration, inscription, lithograph, woodcut, blocking, chasing, chiselling, cutting, impression, inscribing, intaglio, mezzotint, photoengraving, photogravure, print, scratch, dry point, enchasing