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Showing words for ROUGHCAST using the English dictionary

9 Letter Words for Roughcast


8 Letter Words for Roughcast


7 Letter Words for Roughcast

aguroth, auctors, aurochs, authors, cougars, cuatros, curaghs, gauchos, gotchas, orchats, ragouts, scraugh, sturoch, surcoat, toughra, trochus, troughs, tughras, turacos

6 Letter Words for Roughcast

acorus, actors, argots, asouth, atrous, auctor, aughts, auroch, author, cagots, cashou, castor, castro, cathro, caught, charts, chorus, chouts, costar, cougar, coughs, courts, couths, crouth, crouts, crusta, cuarto, cuatro, curagh, curats, cushag, cushat, garous, garths, gators, gaucho, ghauts, gocart, gotcha, gouras, groats, grouch, grouts, grutch, guacho, guacos, orachs, orchat, ostrca, ouchts, oughts, outgas, ragout, raught, roughs, rought, rouths, rugosa, saught, scarth, schout, scouth, scrath, scrota, scrout, scruto, soucar, sought, soutar, starch, stoach, stocah, tachos, tarocs, thraso, toucha, toughs, tragus, trocha, trough, trucha, tughra, tugras, turaco, urochs

5 Letter Words for Roughcast

achor, acost, actor, actos, actus, agush, agust, aotus, archt, arcus, argos, argot, argus, artou, artus, ascot, ashot, ashur, astor, atocs, atour, aucht, aught, autor, autos, cagot, cahot, cargo, carot, carts, carus, catso, catur, chaos, chars, chart, chats, chaus, choga, chort, chota, chous, chout, chugs, chuts, coart, coast, coats, corah, corta, costa, coths, cough, cours, court, couth, crags, crash, croat, crosa, crost, crout, crush, crust, cruth, curas, curat, garth, gatch, gaths, gator, gaurs, ghast, ghats, ghaut, ghost, goats, gorst, gosht, gotch, gotha, goths, gotra, gouts, groat, grots, grout, grush, guaco, guars, gursh, gurts, gusto, haros, harst, harts, haust, hoars, hoast, hocus, horas, horst, horus, hosta, hours, houts, huaco, hurst, hurts, oaths, octas, orach, orcas, orcus, oscar, oshac, oucht, ought, outas, outra, ratch, raths, ratos, ratus, roach, roast, rocta, rotas, rotch, rough, roust, routh, routs, ruach, rusot, rutch, ruths, sacro, sargo, sauch, saugh, scart, scath, scaur, scaut, scoug, scour, scout, scrag, scrat, scrog, scuta, shoat, short, shout, shrag, shrog, shrug, shura, socht, sorta, souct, sough, south, stoga, strag, sugar, sugat, surah, surat, sutor, sutra, tacho, tachs, tacos, tacso, tagus, tahrs, taroc, taros, tasco, thars, thous, throu, thugs, thuoc, togas, torch, torcs, torus, tosca, touch, tough, tours, trash, troca, troch, trogs, trugs, trush, tsuga, tugra, turco, uraos

4 Letter Words for Roughcast

acor, actg, acth, acts, actu, acus, agos, agst, arch, arco, arcs, argh, argo, arts, asor, astr, atoc, augh, auth, auto, cars, cart, cash, cast, cath, cats, caus, chao, char, chas, chat, chou, chug, chut, coat, cogs, cora, cors, cort, cosh, cost, coth, cots, coua, cour, crag, croh, crts, crus, crut, cura, curs, curt, cush, cust, cuts, gars, gart, gash, gast, gath, gats, gaur, gaus, gaut, ghat, goar, goas, goat, gora, gosh, goth, gout, gras, grat, gros, grot, grus, guao, guar, guhr, gurs, gurt, gush, gust, guts, hags, haro, hart, hast, hats, haut, hoar, hoas, hoga, hogs, hora, hors, hort, host, hots, hour, hout, hugo, hugs, hura, hurt, huso, hust, huts, oahu, oars, oast, oath, oats, ocas, ochs, ocht, octa, oras, orca, orch, orcs, orth, orts, osar, osha, otus, ouch, ough, ours, oust, outa, outr, outs, rach, rags, rahs, rahu, rash, rast, rath, rato, rats, ratu, rhos, rhus, roch, rocs, rosa, rost, rota, rotc, rots, roua, rous, rout, rucs, ruga, rugs, rusa, rush, rust, ruta, ruth, ruts, saco, sago, sart, saur, saut, scar, scat, scho, scog, scot, scug, scur, scut, shag, shog, shor, shot, shou, shtg, shua, shug, shut, soar, soca, sora, sort, soth, sour, sout, srac, stag, star, stoa, stog, stor, stra, stug, such, sugh, sura, surg, tach, taco, tags, tahr, taos, taro, tars, tash, tasu, taur, taus, tchr, tchu, thar, thor, thos, thou, thro, thru, thug, thus, toch, tocs, toga, togs, torc, tors, toru, tosa, tosh, toug, tour, trac, trag, trah, trog, trug, tugs, tush, ughs, urao, ursa, urth, usar, utah, utas, utch

3 Letter Words for Roughcast

ach, act, ago, agr, ags, agt, aho, ahs, ahu, aor, arc, arg, ars, art, aru, asg, ash, ast, aug, auh, cag, car, cat, cgs, cha, chg, cho, chs, cog, cor, cos, cot, cro, crs, crt, cru, cst, ctg, cto, ctr, cts, cur, cut, gar, gas, gat, gau, goa, gor, gos, got, gou, gra, gro, grs, gtc, gur, gus, gut, hag, hao, has, hat, hau, hgt, hoa, hoc, hog, hor, hos, hot, hrs, hts, hug, hut, oar, oas, oat, oca, och, oct, ohs, ora, orc, org, ors, ort, otc, our, ous, out, rag, rah, ras, rat, rct, rha, rho, roc, rog, ros, rot, ruc, rug, rut, sac, sag, sah, sao, sar, sat, sau, sch, scr, sct, sha, sho, shr, sht, soc, sog, sot, sou, sta, stg, str, sur, tag, tao, tar, tas, tau, tch, tha, tho, toa, toc, tog, tor, tos, tou, tra, trs, tsh, tua, tug, tur, uca, ugh, ugs, ugt, uhs, ura, urs, usa, ush, ust, uta, utc, uts

Definitions for Roughcast

[1] Also called spatter dash. an exterior wall finish composed of mortar and fine pebbles mixed together and dashed against the wall. Compare pebble dash.
[2] a crudely formed pattern or model.
[3] to cover or coat with roughcast.
[4] to make, shape, or prepare in a rough form: to roughcast a story.
[5] a coarse plaster used to cover the surface of an external wall
[6] any rough or preliminary form, model, etc
[7] covered with or denoting roughcast
[8] to apply roughcast to (a wall, etc)
[9] to prepare in rough
[10] (tr) another word for rough-hew

Words related to Roughcast

layer, coating, carve, sculpt, varnish, finish, lacquer, overlay, crust, plaster, gloss, glaze, wash, set, tinge, bark, painting, lamination, priming, hew

Words nearby Roughcast

rough-spoken, rough-voiced, rough-winged swallow, roughage, roughback, roughcast, roughen, rougher, roughhouse, roughie, roughing mill

Origin of Roughcast

First recorded in 1510–20; rough + cast

Other words from Roughcast

rough·cast·er , noun

Synonyms for Roughcast

coating, layer, bark, crust, finish, glaze, gloss, lacquer, lamination, overlay, painting, plaster, priming, set, tinge, varnish, wash, whitewashing