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Showing words for RUCK using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Ruck
3 Letter Words for Ruck
Definitions for Ruck
[1] a large number or quantity; mass.
[2] the great mass of undistinguished or inferior persons or things.
[3] a fold or wrinkle; crease.
[4] to make or become creased or wrinkled.
[5] a large number or quantity; mass, esp of ordinary or undistinguished people or things
[6] (in a race) a group of competitors who are well behind the leaders at the finish
[7] rugby a loose scrum that forms around the ball when it is on the ground
[8] Australian rules football the three players, two ruckmen and a rover, that do not have fixed positions but follow the ball closely
[9] (intr) rugby to try to win the ball by advancing over it when it is on the ground, driving opponents backward in the process
[10] a wrinkle, crease, or fold
[11] (usually foll by up) to become or make wrinkled, creased, or puckered
[12] prison slang a fight
[13] military slang a rucksack
Words related to Ruck
gathering, rumple, convolution, pleat, layer, bend, corrugation, cockle, ridge, overlap, crimp, circumvolution, ruffle, plication, ply, wrinkle, lap, furrow, tuck, double
Words nearby Ruck
rubáiyát of omar khayyám, the, rubʿ al khali, ruc, ruche, ruching, ruck, ruck-rover, ruckle, ruckman, rucksack, ruckus
Origin of Ruck
2First recorded in 1780–90, ruck is from the Old Norse word hrukka a wrinkle
Word origin for Ruck
C20: short for ruckus
Synonyms for Ruck
bend, circumvolution, cockle, convolution, corrugation, crease, crimp, crinkle, crumple, double, flection, flexure, furrow, gather, gathering, groove, knife-edge, lap, lapel, layer, loop, overlap, plait, pleat, plica, plication, ply, pucker, ridge, ruffle, rumple, shirring, smocking, tuck, turn, wrinkle, dog's ear, plicature, rimple, rivel, ruche