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Showing words for SABOTAGE using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Sabotage
7 Letter Words for Sabotage
6 Letter Words for Sabotage
5 Letter Words for Sabotage
4 Letter Words for Sabotage
3 Letter Words for Sabotage
Definitions for Sabotage
[1] any underhand interference with production, work, etc., in a plant, factory, etc., as by enemy agents during wartime or by employees during a trade dispute.
[2] any undermining of a cause.
[3] to injure or attack by sabotage.
[4] the deliberate destruction, disruption, or damage of equipment, a public service, etc, as by enemy agents, dissatisfied employees, etc
[5] any similar action or behaviour
[6] (tr) to destroy, damage, or disrupt, esp by secret means
Words related to Sabotage
subversion, disruption, vandalism, treason, treachery, destruction, obstruct, hinder, wreck, subvert, cripple, vandalize, destroy, disrupt, hamper, undermine, torpedo, wreckage, mischief, wrecking
Words nearby Sabotage
sable antelope, sable island pony, sablefish, sabora, sabot, sabotage, saboteur, sabra, sabre, sabre-rattling, sabre-toothed tiger
Origin of Sabotage
1865–70; < French, equivalent to sabot(er ) to botch, orig., to strike, shake up, harry, derivative of sabot sabot + -age -age
Other words from Sabotage
un·sab·o·taged , adjective
Word origin for Sabotage
C20: from French, from saboter to spoil through clumsiness (literally: to clatter in sabots)
Synonyms for Sabotage
destruction, disruption, subversion, treachery, treason, vandalism, demolition, impairment, injury, mischief, overthrow, subversiveness, undermining, wreckage, wrecking