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Showing words for SAG using the English dictionary
3 Letter Words for Sag
Definitions for Sag
[1] to sink or bend downward by weight or pressure, especially in the middle: The roof sags.
[2] to hang down unevenly; droop: Her skirt was sagging.
[3] to droop; hang loosely: His shoulders sagged.
[4] to yield through weakness, lack of effort, or the like: Our spirits began to sag.
[5] to decline, as in price: The stock market sagged today.
[6] Nautical . (of a hull) to droop at the center or have excessive sheer because of structural weakness. Compare hog(def 14) . to be driven to leeward; to make too much leeway.
[7] to cause to sag.
[8] an act or instance of sagging.
[9] the degree of sagging.
[10] a place where anything sags; depression.
[11] a moderate decline in prices.
[12] Nautical . deflection downward of a hull amidships, due to structural weakness. leeway(def 3) .
[13] Screen Actors Guild.
[14] (also tr) to sink or cause to sink in parts, as under weight or pressure the bed sags in the middle
[15] to fall in value prices sagged to a new low
[16] to hang unevenly; droop
[17] (of courage, spirits, etc) to weaken; flag
[18] the act or an instance of sagging a sag in profits
[19] nautical the extent to which a vessel's keel sags at the centre Compare hog (def. 6), hogged
[20] a marshy depression in an area of glacial till, chiefly in the US Middle West (as modifier ) sag and swell topography
Words related to Sag
wilt, slump, slide, sink, slip, dip, languish, sinking, droop, sinkhole, tilt, slant, distortion, list, cant, concavity, fall, downturn, basin, hollow
Words nearby Sag
safi, safid rud, safranine, safrole, saft, sag, sag bag, sag harbor, sag rod, sag wagon, saga
Origin of Sag
1375–1425; late Middle English saggen (v.), probably < Scandinavian; compare Norwegian sagga to move slowly (akin to Low German sacken to sink, Norwegian, Danish sakke, Swedish sacka, Icelandic sakka to slow up, fall behind)
Other words from Sag
an·ti·sag , adjective
un·sag·ging , adjective
Word origin for Sag
C15: from Scandinavian; compare Swedish sacka, Dutch zakken, Norwegian dialect sakka to subside, Danish sakke to lag behind
Synonyms for Sag
basin, cant, concavity, depression, dip, distortion, downswing, downturn, droop, fall, hollow, list, settling, sink, sinkhole, sinking, slant, slip, slump, tilt, downslide, downtrend, fall-off, sinkage