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Showing words for SAGACIOUS using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Sagacious
7 Letter Words for Sagacious
6 Letter Words for Sagacious
5 Letter Words for Sagacious
4 Letter Words for Sagacious
3 Letter Words for Sagacious
Definitions for Sagacious
[1] having or showing acute mental discernment and keen practical sense; shrewd: Socrates, that sagacious Greek philosopher, believed that the easiest way to learn was by asking questions.
[2] Obsolete . having an acute sense of smell.
[3] having or showing sagacity; wise
[4] obsolete (of hounds) having an acute sense of smell
Words related to Sagacious
acute, apt, astute, cagey, canny, clever, cool, discerning, discriminating, far-sighted, foxy, heady, hip, insightful, intelligent, keen, knowing, knowledgeable, perceptive, perspicacious
Words nearby Sagacious
sag bag, sag harbor, sag rod, sag wagon, saga, sagacious, sagacity, sagami sea, sagamihara, sagamore, sagan
Origin of Sagacious
First recorded in 1600–10; sagaci(ty) + -ous
Other words from Sagacious
sa·ga·cious·ly , adverb
sa·ga·cious·ness , noun
qua·si-sa·ga·cious , adjective
qua·si-sa·ga·cious·ly , adverb
su·per·sa·ga·cious , adjective
su·per·sa·ga·cious·ly , adverb
su·per·sa·ga·cious·ness , noun
un·sa·ga·cious , adjective
un·sa·ga·cious·ly , adverb
un·sa·ga·cious·ness , noun
Word origin for Sagacious
C17: from Latin sagāx, from sāgīre to be astute
Synonyms for Sagacious
acute, apt, astucious, astute, cagey, canny, clear-sighted, clever, cool, discerning, discriminating, far-sighted, foxy, gnostic, heady, hip, insightful, intelligent, keen, knowing, knowledgeable, perceptive, perspicacious, prudent, rational, sage, sapient, savvy, sensible, sharp, shrewd, smooth, sophic, wise, witty