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Showing words for SALLOW using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Sallow
5 Letter Words for Sallow
4 Letter Words for Sallow
3 Letter Words for Sallow
Definitions for Sallow
[1] of a sickly, yellowish or lightish brown color: sallow cheeks; a sallow complexion.
[2] to make sallow.
[3] any of several shrubby Old World willows, especially Salix atrocinerea or the pussy willow, S. caprea.
[4] (esp of human skin) of an unhealthy pale or yellowish colour
[5] (tr) to make sallow
[6] any of several small willow trees, esp the Eurasian Salix cinerea (common sallow ), which has large catkins that appear before the leaves
[7] a twig or the wood of any of these trees
Words related to Sallow
pasty, wan, muddy, jaundiced, dull, anemic, ashen, colorless, pallid, waxy, yellowish, ashy, bilious
Words nearby Sallow
salk vaccine, salle à manger, sallee, sallenders, sallet, sallow, sallowy, sallust, sally, sally army, sally lunn
Origin of Sallow
2before 900; Middle English; Old English sealh; cognate with Old High German salaha, Latin salix
Other words from Sallow
sal·low·ish , adjective
sal·low·ness , noun
Word origin for Sallow
Old English sealh; related to Old Norse selja, Old High German salaha, Middle Low German salwīde, Latin salix
Synonyms for Sallow
dull, jaundiced, muddy, pasty, wan, anemic, ashen, ashy, bilious, colorless, greenish-yellow, pallid, waxy, yellowish