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Showing words for SAPPED using the English dictionary

6 Letter Words for Sapped


5 Letter Words for Sapped

adeps, depas, papes, sepad, seppa, spade, spaed

4 Letter Words for Sapped

adps, aped, apes, appd, apps, apse, daes, daps, dase, deas, depa, pads, pape, paps, pase, peas, peda, peds, peps, pesa, sade, sepd, spad, spae, sped

3 Letter Words for Sapped

ade, adp, ads, aes, ape, app, ase, asp, dae, dap, das, dea, dep, des, dsp, ead, eas, edp, eds, epa, esd, esp, pad, pap, pas, pea, ped, pep, pes, ppa, ppd, pps, sad, sap, sea, sed, sep, spa, spp

Definitions for Sapped

[1] the juice or vital circulating fluid of a plant, especially of a woody plant.
[2] any vital body fluid.
[3] energy; vitality.
[4] sapwood.
[5] Slang . a fool; dupe.
[6] Metallurgy . soft metal at the core of a bar of blister steel.
[7] to drain the sap from.
[8] Fortification . a deep, narrow trench constructed so as to form an approach to a besieged place or an enemy's position.
[9] Fortification . to approach (a besieged place or an enemy position) by means of deep, narrow trenches protected by gabions or parapets. to dig such trenches in (ground).
[10] to undermine; weaken or destroy insidiously.
[11] Fortification . to dig a sap.
[12] a solution of mineral salts, sugars, etc, that circulates in a plant
[13] any vital body fluid
[14] energy; vigour
[15] slang a gullible or foolish person
[16] another name for sapwood
[17] to drain of sap
[18] a deep and narrow trench used to approach or undermine an enemy position, esp in siege warfare
[19] to undermine (a fortification, etc) by digging saps
[20] (tr) to weaken
[21] South African Police
[22] Standard Assessment Procedure, the recognized performance indicator for measuring energy efficiency in buildings

Words related to Sapped

sapexhaust, drain, erode, wreck, ruin, cripple, impair, deplete, vitiate, destroy, blunt, undermine, subvert, debilitate, rob, attenuate, devitalize, enfeeble, disable, enervate

Words nearby Sapped

sapsanʿa, saona, saorstat eireann, saorstát éireann, saoshyant, sap, sap bush, sap green, sap orchard, sapajou, sapanwood

Origin of Sapped

21585–95; < French sape (noun), derivative of saper to dig a trench < Italian zappare, a military term, based on zappa hoe (compare dialectal Italian zappo he-goat < ?)

Word origin for Sapped

C16 zappe, from Italian zappa spade, of uncertain origin; perhaps from Old Italian (dialect) zappo a goat

Synonyms for Sapped

blunt, cripple, deplete, destroy, drain, erode, exhaust, impair, ruin, undermine, vitiate, wreck, attenuate, bleed, debilitate, devitalize, disable, enervate, enfeeble, prostrate, rob, subvert, wear down