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Showing words for SATED using the English dictionary

5 Letter Words for Sated

dates, sated, stade, stead, teads, tsade

4 Letter Words for Sated

adet, ated, ates, daes, dase, dast, date, deas, east, eats, etas, sade, satd, sate, seat, seta, stad, sted, tade, tads, taed, tead, teas, teds

3 Letter Words for Sated

ade, ads, aes, ase, ast, ate, dae, das, dat, dea, des, det, ead, eas, eat, eds, esd, est, eta, sad, sat, sea, sed, set, sta, std, tad, tas, tea, ted, tes

Definitions for Sated

[1] to satisfy (any appetite or desire) fully.
[2] to fill to excess; surfeit; glut.
[3] simple past tense and past participle of sit1.
[4] to satisfy (a desire or appetite) fully
[5] to supply beyond capacity or desire
[6] archaic a past tense and past participle of sit

Words related to Sated

satesatiate, gratify, surfeit, glut, stuff, gorge, cloy, overfill, satisfy

Words nearby Sated

satesatanism, satay, satb, satchel, satcom, sate, sateen, satellite, satellite abscess, satellite broadcasting, satellite cell

Origin of Sated

11595–1605; variant of obsolete sade to satiate, Old English sadian (akin to sad), perhaps influenced by satiate

Words that may be confused with Sated

WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, satesate, satiate

Word origin for Sated

Old English sadian; related to Old High German satōn; see sad , satiate

Synonyms for Sated

gratify, satiate, cloy, glut, gorge, overfill, stuff, surfeit