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Showing words for SATELLITE using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Satellite
8 Letter Words for Satellite
7 Letter Words for Satellite
6 Letter Words for Satellite
5 Letter Words for Satellite
4 Letter Words for Satellite
3 Letter Words for Satellite
Definitions for Satellite
[1] Astronomy . a natural body that revolves around a planet; a moon.
[2] a country under the domination or influence of another.
[3] something, as a branch office or an off-campus facility of a university, that depends on, accompanies, or serves something else.
[4] an attendant or follower of another person, often subservient or obsequious in manner.
[5] a device designed to be launched into orbit around the earth, another planet, the sun, etc.
[6] of, relating to, or constituting a satellite: the nation's new satellite program.
[7] using an earth-orbiting satellite to transmit communications signals; transmitted or broadcast by satellite: satellite radio and TV.
[8] subordinate to another authority, outside power, or the like: summoned to a conference of satellite nations.
[9] a celestial body orbiting around a planet or star the earth is a satellite of the sun
[10] Also called: artificial satellite a man-made device orbiting around the earth, moon, or another planet transmitting to earth scientific information or used for communication See also communications satellite
[11] a person, esp one who is obsequious, who follows or serves another
[12] a country or political unit under the domination of a foreign power
[13] a subordinate area or community that is dependent upon a larger adjacent town or city
[14] (modifier) subordinate to or dependent upon another a satellite nation
[15] (modifier) of, used in, or relating to the transmission of television signals from a satellite to the house a satellite dish aerial
[16] (tr) to transmit by communications satellite
Words related to Satellite
moon, asteroid, planetoid, dependency, protectorate, rocket, spacecraft, luna, sputnik, ancillary
Words nearby Satellite
satb, satchel, satcom, sate, sateen, satellite, satellite abscess, satellite broadcasting, satellite cell, satellite chromosome, satellite city
Origin of Satellite
1540–50; 1955–60 for def 2 ; < Latin satellit- (stem of satelles ) attendant, member of bodyguard or retinue
Other words from Satellite
sat·el·lit·ed , adjective
Word origin for Satellite
C16: from Latin satelles an attendant, probably of Etruscan origin