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Showing words for SATIATED using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Satiated
7 Letter Words for Satiated
6 Letter Words for Satiated
5 Letter Words for Satiated
4 Letter Words for Satiated
3 Letter Words for Satiated
Definitions for Satiated
[1] satisfied, as one's appetite or desire, to the point of boredom.
[2] to supply with anything to excess, so as to disgust or weary; surfeit.
[3] to satisfy to the full; sate.
[4] satiated.
[5] to fill or supply beyond capacity or desire, often arousing weariness
[6] to supply to satisfaction or capacity
Words related to Satiated
nauseate, gratify, slake, sate, indulge, surfeit, glut, saturate, content, pall, jade, gorge, cloy, fill, overfill, overdose
Words nearby Satiated
satelloid, satem, sati, satiable, satiate, satiated, satiation, saticon, satie, satiety, satilla
Origin of Satiated
1400–50; late Middle English (adj.) < Latin satiātus (past participle of satiāre to satisfy), equivalent to sati- enough (akin to sad) + -ātus -ate1
Words that may be confused with Satiated
WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, satiatesate, satiate
Other words from Satiated
un·sa·ti·at·ed , adjective
sa·ti·a·tion , noun
non·sa·ti·a·tion , noun
un·sa·ti·at·ing , adjective
Word origin for Satiated
C16: from Latin satiāre to satisfy, from satis enough
Synonyms for Satiated
gratify, indulge, nauseate, sate, slake, cloy, content, fill, glut, gorge, jade, overdose, overfill, pall, saturate, surfeit, feed to gills