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Showing words for SATIETY using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Satiety
6 Letter Words for Satiety
aseity, astite, sattie, taties, tystie
5 Letter Words for Satiety
seity, sitta, state, stite, styte, taise, taits, taste, tasty, tates, tatie, teasy, teats, teaty, testa, testy, tyste, yates, yeast, yeats, yetis, yetts, yites
4 Letter Words for Satiety
aits, ates, atis, atte, atty, ayes, east, easy, eats, etas, etat, eyas, itas, itsy, sate, sati, seat, seit, seta, sett, sita, site, stat, stay, stet, stey, stie, tais, tait, tate, tats, tays, teas, teat, test, tets, ties, tite, tits, tsia, tyes, tyte, yate, yati, yeas, yeat, yest, yeta, yeti, yett, yite
3 Letter Words for Satiety
aes, ais, ait, ase, ast, ate, att, aye, ays, eas, eat, est, eta, ety, ise, ist, ita, its, sai, sat, say, sea, sei, set, sey, sie, sit, sta, sty, sye, tai, tas, tat, tay, tea, tes, tet, tie, tis, tit, tsi, tst, tty, tye, tyt, yas, yat, yea, yes, yet, yis
Definitions for Satiety
[1] the state of being satiated; surfeit.
[2] the state of being satiated
Words related to Satiety
saturation, indulgence, surfeit, glut, filling, gratification, repletion, feeding, engorgement
Words nearby Satiety
satiate, satiated, satiation, saticon, satie, satiety, satilla, satin, satin bowerbird, satin glass, satin slipper, the
Origin of Satiety
1525–35; < Latin satietās; replacing earlier sacietie < Middle French sacieté < Latin
Other words from Satiety
o·ver·sa·ti·e·ty , noun
Word origin for Satiety
C16: from Latin satietās, from satis enough
Synonyms for Satiety
engorgement, feeding, filling, glut, gratification, indulgence, repletion, saturation, surfeit, overfilling, slaking