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Showing words for SAVOROUS using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Savorous
6 Letter Words for Savorous
5 Letter Words for Savorous
4 Letter Words for Savorous
3 Letter Words for Savorous
Definitions for Savorous
[1] the quality in a substance that affects the sense of taste or of smell.
[2] a particular taste or smell.
[3] distinctive quality or property.
[4] power to excite or interest.
[5] Archaic . repute.
[6] to have savor, taste, or odor.
[7] to exhibit the peculiar characteristics; smack (often followed by of ): His business practices savor of greed.
[8] to give a savor to; season; flavor.
[9] to perceive by taste or smell, especially with relish: to savor the garden's odors.
[10] to give oneself to the enjoyment of: to savor the best in life.
Words related to Savorous
savorfragrant, spicy, wholesome, sweet, delectable, pungent, aromatic, luscious, tasty, tempting, appetizing, tangy, mellow, piquant, good, rich, dainty, relishing, balmy, dank
Words nearby Savorous
savorsavoir-vivre, savona, savonarola, savonarola chair, savonarola, girolamo, savor, savory, savour, savoury, savoy, savoy alps
Origin of Savorous
1175–1225; (noun) Middle English sav(o)ur < Old French savour < Latin sapōrem, accusative of sapor taste, derivative of sapere to taste (cf. sapient); (v.) Middle English sav(o)uren < Old French savourer < Late Latin sapōrāre, derivative of sapor
Words that may be confused with Savorous
WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, savorsavior, savor, savory
Other words from Savorous
sa·vor·er , noun
sa·vor·ing·ly , adverb
sa·vor·less , adjective
sa·vor·ous , adjective
out·sa·vor , verb (used with object)
un·sa·vored , adjective
Synonyms for Savorous
aromatic, balmy, dank, effluvious, fetid, flavorsome, flowery, foul, fragrant, heady, honeyed, loud, malodorous, mephitic, miasmic, moldy, musty, nauseous, odoriferant, odoriferous, offensive, olfactive, olfactory, perfumatory, perfumed, perfumy, pungent, putrid, redolent, reeking, rotten, savory, scent-laden, scented, scentful, skunky, smelly, spicy, stagnant, stale, stinking, strong, sweet, sweet-scented, sweet-smelling, tumaceous, unsavory, whiffy