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Showing words for SAXITOXIN using the English dictionary

9 Letter Words for Saxitoxin


6 Letter Words for Saxitoxin

aition, anitos, axions, isatin, santii, sation, sixain, sotnia, tainos, taxons, tinosa, toxins

5 Letter Words for Saxitoxin

ainoi, aitis, antis, axion, axons, intis, ionia, iotas, ixias, ixion, niais, niota, nitos, oints, oisin, ostia, saint, sanit, santo, satin, saxon, sinai, sitao, sitio, stain, staio, stion, stoai, taino, tains, taxin, taxis, taxon, toxin

4 Letter Words for Saxitoxin

ains, aint, aion, aits, anis, ansi, anti, ants, asin, asio, atis, axin, axis, axon, inia, init, inst, inta, inti, into, ions, iota, isnt, itai, itas, ixia, naio, nais, naoi, naos, nasi, naso, nast, nato, nats, nisi, nist, nito, nits, noix, nota, nots, noxa, oast, oats, oint, onst, otis, otxi, oxan, sain, sant, sati, sian, sina, sion, sita, siti, snit, snot, stoa, tain, tais, tans, taos, taxi, tiao, tins, tons, tosa, toxa, tsia, xian, xint, xxii

3 Letter Words for Saxitoxin

ain, ais, ait, aix, ans, ant, ast, iao, ins, int, ion, ios, isn, iso, ist, ita, its, nas, nat, nis, nit, nix, noa, nos, not, nox, oas, oat, oii, ois, ona, oni, ons, ont, osi, sai, san, sao, sat, sax, sin, sit, six, son, sot, sta, tai, tan, tao, tas, tax, tin, tis, toa, toi, ton, tos, tox, tsi, xat, xii, xis, xix, xxi

Definitions for Saxitoxin

[1] a powerful neurotoxin, C1 0 H1 7 N7 O4 , produced by the dinoflagellate Gonyaulax catenella, the causative agent of red tide.

Words nearby Saxitoxin

saxicoline, saxicolous, saxifragaceous, saxifrage, saxifrage family, saxitoxin, saxo grammaticus, saxon, saxon blue, saxonism, saxony

Origin of Saxitoxin

1960–65; < New Latin Saxi(domus ), a clam genus infected by the dinoflagellates (equivalent to Latin sax(um ) stone + -i- -i- + domus house) + toxin