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Showing words for SAXONY using the English dictionary

6 Letter Words for Saxony


5 Letter Words for Saxony

axons, saxon, sayon

4 Letter Words for Saxony

axon, naos, naso, nays, nosy, noxa, noys, nyas, onyx, oxan

3 Letter Words for Saxony

ans, any, ays, nas, nay, noa, nos, nox, noy, nys, oas, ona, ons, ony, oxy, oys, san, sao, sax, say, sny, son, soy, syn, yan, yas, yon, yos, yox

Definitions for Saxony

[1] a fine, three-ply woolen yarn.
[2] a soft-finish, compact fabric, originally of high-grade merino wool from Saxony, for topcoats and overcoats.
[3] a pile carpet woven in the manner of a Wilton but with yarns of lesser quality.
[4] a state in E central Germany. 6561 sq. mi. (16,990 sq. km). Capital : Dresden.
[5] a former state of the Weimar Republic in E central Germany. 5788 sq. mi. (14,990 sq. km). Capital : Dresden.
[6] a medieval division of N Germany with varying boundaries: extended at its height from the Rhine to E of the Elbe.
[7] a fine 3-ply yarn used for knitting and weaving
[8] a fine woollen fabric used for coats, etc
[9] a state in E Germany, formerly part of East Germany. Pop: 4 321 000 (2003 est)
[10] a former duchy and electorate in SE and central Germany, whose territory changed greatly over the centuries
[11] (in the early Middle Ages) any territory inhabited or ruled by Saxons

Words nearby Saxony

saxitoxin, saxo grammaticus, saxon, saxon blue, saxonism, saxony, saxony-anhalt, saxophone, saxtuba, say, say (cry) uncle

Origin of Saxony

First recorded in 1825–35

Other words from Saxony

Sax·o·ni·an [sak-soh -nee-uh  n] /sækˈsoʊ ni ən/ , noun, adjective
Sax·on·ic [sak-son -ik] /sækˈsɒn ɪk/ , adjective

Word origin for Saxony

C19: named after Saxony , where it was produced