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Showing words for SCANDAL using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Scandal
6 Letter Words for Scandal
5 Letter Words for Scandal
4 Letter Words for Scandal
3 Letter Words for Scandal
Definitions for Scandal
[1] a disgraceful or discreditable action, circumstance, etc.
[2] an offense caused by a fault or misdeed.
[3] damage to reputation; public disgrace.
[4] defamatory talk; malicious gossip.
[5] a person whose conduct brings disgrace or offense.
[6] British Dialect . to defame (someone) by spreading scandal.
[7] Obsolete . to disgrace.
[8] a disgraceful action or event his negligence was a scandal
[9] censure or outrage arising from an action or event
[10] a person whose conduct causes reproach or disgrace
[11] malicious talk, esp gossip about the private lives of other people
[12] law a libellous action or statement
[13] to disgrace
[14] to scandalize
Words related to Scandal
wrongdoing, rumor, crime, disgrace, hearsay, aspersion, disparagement, shame, disrepute, gossip, obloquy, defamation, detraction, dishonor, mud, discredit, calumny, sin, infamy, opprobrium
Words nearby Scandal
scamto, scan, scan., scand, scand., scandal, scandal sheet, scandalize, scandalmonger, scandalous, scandaroon
Origin of Scandal
1175–1225; < Late Latin scandalum < Late Greek skándalon snare, cause of moral stumbling; replacing Middle English scandle < Old French (north) escandle < Late Latin, as above
Other words from Scandal
min·i·scan·dal , noun
su·per·scan·dal , noun
Word origin for Scandal
C16: from Late Latin scandalum stumbling block, from Greek skandalon a trap
Synonyms for Scandal
crime, rumor, wrongdoing, aspersion, calumny, defamation, depreciation, detraction, discredit, disgrace, dishonor, disparagement, disrepute, dynamite, gossip, hearsay, ignominy, infamy, mud, obloquy, opprobrium, reproach, scorcher, shame, sin, slander, tale, talk, turpitude, backbiting, backstabbing, belittlement, dirty linen, eavesdropping, idle rumor, skeleton in closet