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Showing words for SCARED using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Scared
5 Letter Words for Scared
4 Letter Words for Scared
3 Letter Words for Scared
Definitions for Scared
[1] to fill, especially suddenly, with fear or terror; frighten; alarm.
[2] to become frightened: That horse scares easily.
[3] a sudden fright or alarm, especially with little or no reason.
[4] a time or condition of alarm or worry: For three months there was a war scare.
[5] scare up , Informal . to obtain with effort; find or gather: to scare up money.
[6] to fill or be filled with fear or alarm
[7] (tr; often foll by away or off) to drive (away) by frightening
[8] (tr) US and Canadian informal (foll by up) to produce (a meal) quickly from whatever is available to manage to find (something) quickly or with difficulty brewers need to scare up more sales
[9] a sudden attack of fear or alarm
[10] a period of general fear or alarm
[11] causing (needless) fear or alarm a scare story
Words related to Scared
scareafraid, fearful, anxious, startled, panicky, panicked, petrified, shaken, terrified, aghast, panic-stricken, terror-stricken
Words nearby Scared
scarescarce as hen's teeth, scarcely, scarcely ever, scarcement, scarcity, scare, scare out of one's wits, scare quotes, scare up, scarecrow, scaredy-cat
Origin of Scared
1150–1200; (v.) Middle English skerren < Old Norse skirra to frighten, derivative of skjarr timid, shy; (noun) late Middle English skere, derivative of the v.
Other words from Scared
scar·er , noun
scar·ing·ly , adverb
un·scared , adjective
Word origin for Scared
C12: from Old Norse skirra; related to Norwegian skjerra, Swedish dialect skjarra
Synonyms for Scared
afraid, anxious, fearful, panicked, panicky, startled, petrified, shaken, terrified, aghast, having cold feet, panic-stricken, terror-stricken