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Showing words for SCIATIC using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Sciatic
ascitic, sciatic
6 Letter Words for Sciatic
cistic, isatic
5 Letter Words for Sciatic
accts, aitis, ascii, cacti, cista, icica, ictic, isiac, sicca, stacc, ticca, tisic
4 Letter Words for Sciatic
acct, acts, aits, asci, atis, caci, caic, cast, cats, cisc, cist, cits, itai, itas, saic, sati, scat, sicc, sita, siti, tais, tics, tsia
3 Letter Words for Sciatic
acc, act, ais, ait, ast, cai, cat, cia, cis, cit, csc, csi, cst, cts, ist, ita, its, sac, sai, sat, sci, sct, sic, sit, sta, tai, tas, tic, tis, tsi
Definitions for Sciatic
[1] of, pertaining to, situated near, or affecting the ischium or back of the hip.
[2] affecting the hip or the sciatic nerves.
[3] a sciatic part, as a nerve, vein, or artery.
[4] anatomy of or relating to the hip or the hipbone
[5] of, relating to, or afflicted with sciatica
Words nearby Sciatic
sci., sciaenid, sciaenoid, sciage, sciamachy, sciatic, sciatic foramen, sciatic hernia, sciatic nerve, sciatic spine, sciatica
Origin of Sciatic
1535–45; < Medieval Latin sciaticus, alteration of Greek ischiadikós ischiadic
Other words from Sciatic
sci·at·i·cal·ly , adverb
non·sci·at·ic , adjective
Word origin for Sciatic
C16: from French sciatique, from Late Latin sciaticus, from Latin ischiadicus relating to pain in the hip, from Greek iskhiadikos, from iskhia hip joint