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Scrabble Word Finder & Unscrambler
Showing words for SCRAMBLE using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Scramble
7 Letter Words for Scramble
6 Letter Words for Scramble
5 Letter Words for Scramble
4 Letter Words for Scramble
3 Letter Words for Scramble
Definitions for Scramble
[1] to climb or move quickly using one's hands and feet, as down a rough incline.
[2] to compete or struggle with others for possession or gain: The children scrambled for the coins we tossed.
[3] to move hastily and with urgency: She scrambled into her coat and ran out the door.
[4] Military . (of pilots or aircraft) to take off as quickly as possible to intercept enemy planes.
[5] to collect or organize (things) in a hurried or disorderly manner (often followed by together or up ): He scrambled the papers up from the desk. I scrambled the report together at the last minute.
[6] to mix together confusedly: The teacher has hopelessly scrambled our names and faces.
[7] to cause to move hastily, as if in panic: He scrambled everyone out of the burning building.
[8] to cook (eggs) in a pan while stirring, usually after mixing whites and yolks together.
[9] to make (a radio or telephonic message) incomprehensible to interceptors by systematically changing the transmission frequencies.
[10] to mix the elements of (a television signal) so that only subscribers with a decoding box can receive the signal.
[11] Military . to cause (an intercepting aircraft or pilot) to take off in the shortest possible time, in response to an alert.
[12] a quick climb or progression over rough, irregular ground.
[13] a struggle for possession or gain: a scramble for choice seats in the stadium.
[14] any disorderly or hasty struggle or proceeding.
[15] Military . an emergency takeoff of interceptors performed in the shortest possible time.
[16] (intr) to climb or crawl, esp by using the hands to aid movement
[17] (intr) to proceed hurriedly or in a disorderly fashion
[18] (intr often foll by for ) to compete with others, esp in a disordered manner to scramble for a prize
[19] (intr foll by through ) to deal with hurriedly and unsystematically
[20] (tr) to throw together in a haphazard manner; jumble
[21] (tr) to collect in a hurried or disorganized manner
[22] (tr) to cook (eggs that have been whisked up with milk and seasoning) in a pan containing a little melted butter
[23] military to order (a crew or aircraft) to take off immediately or (of a crew or aircraft) to take off immediately
[24] (tr) to render (speech) unintelligible during transmission by means of an electronic scrambler
[25] the act of scrambling
[26] a climb over rocks that involves the use of the hands but not ropes, etc
[27] a disorderly struggle, esp to gain possession
[28] military an immediate preparation for action, as of crew, aircraft, etc
[29] British a motorcycle rally in which competitors race across rough open ground
Words related to Scramble
melee, rush, tussle, struggle, free-for-all, contend, vie, scurry, jostle, clamber, push, climb, crawl, shuffle, tumble, clutter, commotion, muddle, competition, litter
Words nearby Scramble
scraggly, scraggy, scram, scramasax, scramb, scramble, scrambled egg, scrambled eggs, scrambler, scramjet, scran
Origin of Scramble
1580–90; blend of dial. scamble to stumble along, and scrabble (in the same sense)
Word origin for Scramble
C16: blend of scrabble and ramp
Synonyms for Scramble
free-for-all, melee, rush, struggle, tussle, clutter, commotion, competition, conglomeration, hash, hassle, hustle, jumble, jungle, litter, mishmash, muddle, race, shuffle, tumble, rat race