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Showing words for SCRAPINGS using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Scrapings
8 Letter Words for Scrapings
7 Letter Words for Scrapings
6 Letter Words for Scrapings
5 Letter Words for Scrapings
4 Letter Words for Scrapings
3 Letter Words for Scrapings
Definitions for Scrapings
[1] the act of a person or thing that scrapes.
[2] the sound of something being scraped.
[3] Usually scrapings. something that is scraped off, up, or together.
[4] to deprive of or free from an outer layer, adhering matter, etc., or to smooth by drawing or rubbing something, especially a sharp or rough instrument, over the surface: to scrape a table to remove paint and varnish.
[5] to remove (an outer layer, adhering matter, etc.) in this way: to scrape the paint and varnish from a table.
[6] to scratch, injure, or mar the surface of in this way: to scrape one's arm on a rough wall.
[7] to produce by scraping: He scraped his initials on the rock.
[8] to collect or do by or as if by scraping; do or gather laboriously or with difficulty (usually followed by up or together ): They managed to scrape together a football team.
[9] to rub harshly on or across (something): Don't scrape the floor with your boots!
[10] to draw or rub (a thing) roughly across something: Scrape your shoes on the doormat before you come in.
[11] to level (an unpaved road) with a grader.
[12] Digital Technology . to extract and copy (data) from a website into a structured format using a computer program, as for data manipulation or analysis: This project scrapes comments on online forums for linguistic research. With these tools you can easily scrape websites.
[13] to scrape something.
[14] to rub against something gratingly.
[15] to produce a grating and unmusical tone from a string instrument.
[16] to draw one's foot back noisily along the ground in making a bow.
[17] to manage or get by with difficulty or with only the barest margin: I barely scraped through on the test.
[18] to economize or save by attention to even the slightest amounts: By careful scraping they managed to survive.
[19] an act or instance of scraping.
[20] a drawing back of the foot noisily along the ground in making a bow.
[21] a harsh, shrill, or scratching sound made by scraping.
[22] a scraped place: a scrape on one's elbow.
[23] an embarrassing or distressing situation; predicament: He is always in some kind of a scrape.
[24] a difference of opinion, fight, or quarrel; scrap2.
[25] Digital Technology . the process of extracting and copying data from a website into a structured format using a computer program, as for data manipulation or analysis: How long will the scrape take to complete? the product of this process.
[26] the act of scraping
[27] a sound produced by scraping
[28] (often plural) something scraped off, together, or up; a small amount
[29] to move (a rough or sharp object) across (a surface), esp to smooth or clean
[30] (tr; often foll by away or off) to remove (a layer) by rubbing
[31] to produce a harsh or grating sound by rubbing against (an instrument, surface, etc)
[32] (tr) to injure or damage by rough contact to scrape one's knee
[33] (intr) to be very economical or sparing in the use (of) (esp in the phrase scrimp and scrape )
[34] (intr) to draw the foot backwards in making a bow
[35] (tr) to finish (a surface) by use of a scraper
[36] (tr) to make (a bearing, etc) fit by scraping
[37] bow and scrape to behave with excessive humility
[38] the act of scraping
[39] a scraped place
[40] a harsh or grating sound
[41] informal an awkward or embarrassing predicament
[42] informal a conflict or struggle
Words related to Scrapings
scrapingrub, shave, clean, grind, pinch, chafe, pare, peel, scuff, thin, bray, irritate, squeak, graze, erase, scour, file, skin, grate, bark
Words nearby Scrapings
crape up an acquaintance, scraper, scraperboard, scrapheap, scrapie, scraping, scrapper, scrapple, scrappy, scratch, scratch awl
Origin of Scrapings
e1350–1400; (verb) Middle English scrapen, from Old Norse skrapa (replacing Middle English shrapen from Old English scrapian “to scratch”); (cognate with Old Norse skrapa ); (noun) Middle English, derivative of the verb
Other words from Scrapings
scrap·ing·ly , adverb
non·scrap·ing , adjective
un·scrap·ing , adjective
scrap·a·ble , adjective
scrape·age , noun
un·scraped , adjective
Word origin for Scrapings
eOld English scrapian; related to Old Norse skrapa, Middle Dutch schrapen, Middle High German schraffen
Synonyms for Scrapings
abrasion, attrition, brushing, caress, friction, grinding, kneading, pat, polish, rasping, scouring, scraping, shine, smear, smoothing, stroking, swab, swipe, wear, wipe