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Showing words for SCRIBBLING using the English dictionary
10 Letter Words for Scribbling
9 Letter Words for Scribbling
8 Letter Words for Scribbling
7 Letter Words for Scribbling
6 Letter Words for Scribbling
5 Letter Words for Scribbling
4 Letter Words for Scribbling
3 Letter Words for Scribbling
Definitions for Scribbling
[1] to write hastily or carelessly: to scribble a letter.
[2] to cover with meaningless writing or marks: to scribble all over a page.
[3] to write or draw in a hasty or careless way.
[4] to make meaningless marks, scrolls, lines, etc., with a pencil, pen, or the like.
[5] a note or other writing that has little or no meaning.
[6] a hasty or careless drawing or piece of writing.
[7] handwriting, especially when illegible.
[8] to tear apart (wool fibers) in the first stages of carding.
[9] to write or draw in a hasty or illegible manner
[10] to make meaningless or illegible marks (on)
[11] derogatory , or facetious to write poetry, novels, etc
[12] hasty careless writing or drawing
[13] writing, esp literary matter, of poor quality
[14] meaningless or illegible marks
[15] (tr) to card (wool, etc)
Words related to Scribbling
scribblegraffiti, cacography, graffito, hieroglyphics
Words nearby Scribbling
scribblescrewup, screwworm, screwworm fly, screwy, scriabin, scribble, scribbler, scribbling block, scribbly gum, scribe, scriber
Origin of Scribbling
e21675–85; < Dutch schribbelen to scratch; cognate with schrobbelen to card wool coarsely, frequentative of schrobben to scrub1
Other words from Scribbling
scrib·bling·ly , adverb
Word origin for Scribbling
eC17: probably from Low German; compare schrubben scrub 1