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Showing words for SCRUTINIZED using the English dictionary

11 Letter Words for Scrutinized


10 Letter Words for Scrutinized

rusticized, scrutinize

9 Letter Words for Scrutinized

crudities, cutinized, cutinizes, disuniter, diuretics, indicters, indirects, neuritics, reindicts, reinducts, rusticize, unidirect, unitizers

8 Letter Words for Scrutinized

ciderist, citizens, citrines, crinites, crudites, ctenizid, curdiest, curniest, curtsied, cutinize, dineuric, discuren, disinter, disinure, disunite, diuretic, icterids, incisure, inciters, indicter, indirect, inditers, inducers, indurite, intrudes, neuritic, neuritis, nitrides, nudities, reindict, reinduct, rindiest, sciurine, uncitied, uncredit, undirect, unitized, unitizer, unitizes, unstride, untidier, untidies, untriced, uridines, ursicide, zinciest, zincites, zincuret

7 Letter Words for Scrutinized

cinders, cistern, citizen, citrine, citrins, credits, cretins, crinite, critize, crudest, cruised, cruisie, crusted, crustie, cuisine, cuisten, cuiters, cundies, cundite, curiets, curites, curnies, curtein, deistic, dezincs, diciest, dictier, dietics, dineric, dinetic, directs, dirties, discern, discure, discute, distune, disturn, ditsier, dunites, dunitic, dunster, dustier, ectiris, encrust, entiris, ericius, eristic, eunicid, icterid, icterus, identic, incised, incited, inciter, incites, increst, incudes, incurse, incused, indices, indicts, inditer, indites, inducer, induces, inducts, insider, insured, intrude, intruse, irenics, neritic, neritid, neustic, nitride, nitrids, nutrice, nutsier, reduits, rescind, resinic, retinic, retunds, riciest, ricinus, ridiest, sciurid, scruzed, scunder, sericin, siderin, sirenic, studier, sturine, suicide, surdent, teucrin, tidiers, tinders, tineids, triunes, turdine, uncited, uncrest, uncried, undrest, unicist, unisize, uniters, unities, unitize, unsized, untired, untride, untried, uridine, zincide, zincier, zincite, zircite

6 Letter Words for Scrutinized

cedrin, cedrus, certis, cestui, ciders, cinder, cinter, cisted, citers, citied, cities, citrin, citrus, cizers, credit, cretin, crined, crines, crinet, crinid, crudes, cruent, cruets, cruise, cruset, crusie, ctenii, cueist, cuirie, cuiter, cunzie, curets, curies, curiet, curine, curite, curnie, cursed, cursen, curted, cuties, cutins, decurt, deiist, deisin, derust, destin, deturn, dezinc, dicers, dicier, dietic, diners, dinics, direct, direst, dirten, disert, diseur, dister, ditzes, diurne, dizens, dreint, drices, driest, dunces, dunite, dunter, durzis, duster, duties, dzerin, edicts, educts, encist, endict, erucin, eructs, erudit, estrin, iciest, ideist, incest, incide, incise, incite, inctri, incurs, incuse, incute, indice, indict, indies, indite, indris, induce, induct, indure, inerts, insect, insert, inside, insite, insure, inters, intice, intire, intrus, intuse, inured, inures, irenic, irides, irised, isuret, neuric, nicest, niters, nitred, nitric, nitrid, nudest, nudies, nudist, nursed, recits, rectus, recuts, reduct, reduit, redust, resuit, retund, ricine, ricins, rictus, rident, rinsed, ritzes, rudest, rudies, ruined, runite, runted, rusine, rusted, rustic, rutins, scient, scride, scried, scrine, scrite, scrunt, scruze, secund, seduct, seizin, seniti, setuid, sinder, sinter, sinzer, sizier, snider, steric, sterid, sterin, stired, stride, strind, strine, strude, sturin, suited, suiter, sunder, sundri, teiids, teinds, tendus, tenuis, tidier, tidies, tinder, tineid, tinier, tinies, tizeur, trends, triced, trices, triens, trined, trines, triune, truced, truces, tunder, tuners, tunics, tunier, turned, tzuris, uncite, undies, uniced, united, uniter, unites, unrest, unride, untied, unties, untire, uretic, urined, urines, urites, ursine, usednt, zendic, zincid, zuisin

5 Letter Words for Scrutinized

cedis, ceint, centi, cents, centu, cerin, certs, cesti, cetin, cetus, cider, cides, cines, cires, cited, citer, cites, creds, crest, cried, cries, crine, crise, crits, crius, crude, cruds, crues, cruet, crunt, cruse, crust, csnet, cuits, cunei, cunit, cunts, curds, cured, cures, curet, curie, curin, curns, curse, cursi, cusie, cuter, cutes, cutie, cutin, cutis, decus, deist, dents, deric, derns, detin, detur, dicer, dices, dicts, diets, diner, dines, dinic, dints, dinus, dirts, disci, distn, distr, diter, dites, diurn, dizen, drent, drest, drice, dries, drunt, druse, druze, dsect, duces, ducts, duets, duits, dunce, dunes, dunst, dunts, dures, duret, durns, durst, durzi, ecrus, edict, edits, educt, enrut, entsi, erics, eruct, etuis, eucti, iceni, icers, icier, ictus, idcue, ident, idest, idite, incur, incus, incut, indic, indie, indri, induc, indus, inert, inset, instr, insue, inter, intis, intue, inuit, inure, inust, irids, isize, itcze, iters, neist, nerds, nerts, nertz, nicer, nides, nidus, niris, nisei, niter, nitid, nuder, nudes, nudie, nurds, nurse, recit, recti, recut, reins, reist, rends, rendu, rents, resid, resin, resit, resun, retin, riced, rices, ricin, riden, rides, rinds, rines, rinse, risen, rites, ritsu, ritus, rudes, rudie, ruins, runds, runed, runes, runic, runts, rutic, rutin, scend, scent, scind, scrin, scrit, scudi, scute, sdein, senit, senti, seric, serin, serut, sicer, sider, sient, sieur, since, sined, sired, siren, sited, sized, sizer, snide, snirt, snite, snitz, snurt, sruti, steid, stein, stend, steri, stern, stied, stine, stire, strid, strue, stude, sture, sucre, suent, suine, suint, suite, sured, teiid, teind, tends, tendu, terns, ticed, ticer, tices, tides, tiens, tiers, tinds, tined, tines, tired, tires, tisic, trend, trice, tride, tried, tries, trine, trins, truce, trued, trues, tsine, tunds, tuned, tuner, tunes, tunic, tunis, turds, turin, turns, turse, unces, under, unice, unist, unite, units, unred, unrid, unset, untie, ureic, ureid, urent, urine, urite, urned, ursid, usent, usine, usnic, uster, utend, uteri, zeins, zeist, zincs, zines, zitis, zunis

4 Letter Words for Scrutinized

cedi, cens, cent, cern, cert, cest, ceti, cide, cids, cine, cire, cist, cite, cits, cize, cred, cres, crin, cris, crit, crts, crud, crue, crus, crut, cuds, cued, cues, cuir, cuit, cund, cunt, curd, cure, curn, curs, curt, cust, cute, cuts, deis, deni, dens, dent, dern, desc, desi, deti, detn, deus, dice, dict, dier, dies, diet, dine, dins, dint, dire, dirt, disc, dist, dite, dits, ditz, drie, dsri, duce, duci, ducs, duct, duer, dues, duet, duit, dune, duns, dunt, durn, dust, ecru, ecus, edit, educ, ends, entr, eric, erin, eris, erns, erst, eruc, etic, etui, iced, icer, ices, ides, idic, idun, incr, inde, init, inst, inti, intr, ired, ires, irid, iris, isdn, ised, isnt, iter, iuds, iure, neds, nerd, nest, neti, nets, neut, nice, nide, nidi, nids, nied, nies, nisi, nist, nits, nsec, nude, nurd, nurs, nuts, recd, recs, rect, reds, rein, reit, rend, rent, rest, retd, rets, rice, ride, rids, ries, rind, rine, rins, risc, rise, rist, rite, rits, ritz, rucs, rude, ruds, rued, ruen, rues, ruin, rund, rune, runs, runt, ruse, rust, ruts, scet, sctd, scud, scun, scur, scut, scuz, sect, seir, seit, send, sent, sert, sice, side, sidi, sien, sier, sind, sine, sire, siri, site, siti, situ, sitz, size, sned, snit, snur, sted, sten, ster, stid, stie, stir, stre, stud, stue, stun, suci, sude, sued, suer, suet, suez, suid, suit, sune, suni, sunt, surd, sure, teds, tend, tens, tern, tice, tics, tide, tidi, tids, tied, tien, tier, ties, tinc, tind, tine, tins, tire, tres, trez, trid, trie, trin, true, trun, tsun, tues, tuis, tund, tune, tuns, turd, turn, unce, unci, uncs, unct, unde, unie, unis, unit, untz, unze, urde, urds, ures, uric, urns, used, user, utes, utis, zeds, zein, zend, zenu, zest, zeus, zinc, zine, zins, zite, ziti, zits, zuni

3 Letter Words for Scrutinized

cdr, cen, cer, cid, cie, cir, cis, cit, cns, crs, crt, cru, csi, cst, cte, ctn, ctr, cts, cud, cue, cun, cur, cut, cuz, dec, dei, den, der, des, det, die, din, dir, dis, dit, dsr, duc, due, dui, dun, dur, ect, ecu, eds, eir, enc, end, ens, erd, ern, ers, ert, esc, esd, esr, est, esu, etc, ice, ide, ids, inc, ind, ins, int, ire, irs, ise, isn, ist, isz, itd, its, iud, ned, nei, net, nid, nie, nis, nit, nur, nus, nut, rcd, rct, rec, red, rei, res, rez, rid, rie, rin, rit, riz, rnd, rte, rti, ruc, rud, rue, run, rut, scd, sci, scr, sct, sec, sed, sei, sen, ser, set, sez, sic, sie, sin, sir, sit, sri, std, str, sud, sue, sui, sun, sur, suz, tdr, tec, ted, ten, ter, tes, tez, tic, tid, tie, tin, tis, tiu, tri, trs, tsi, tue, tui, tun, tur, uds, uit, unc, uni, uns, urd, ure, urn, urs, use, ust, utc, ute, uti, uts, uzi, zed, zen, zer, zin, zit

Definitions for Scrutinized

[1] to examine in detail with careful or critical attention.
[2] to conduct a scrutiny.
[3] (tr) to examine carefully or in minute detail

Words related to Scrutinized

scrutinizeinspect, consider, scan, peruse, dissect, probe, watch, explore, investigate, comb, sift, weigh, analyze, check, case, stare, search, study, overlook, pierce

Words nearby Scrutinized

scrutinizescruple, scrupulous, scrutable, scrutator, scrutineer, scrutinize, scrutiny, scrutoire, scry, scs, scsi

Origin of Scrutinized

First recorded in 1665–75; scrutin(y) + -ize

Other words from Scrutinized

scru·ti·ni·za·tion , noun
scru·ti·niz·er , noun
scru·ti·niz·ing·ly , adverb
re·scru·ti·nize , verb (used with object), re·scru·ti·nized, re·scru·ti·niz·ing.
self-scru·ti·nized , adjective
self-scru·ti·niz·ing , adjective
un·scru·ti·nized , adjective
un·scru·ti·niz·ing , adjective
un·scru·ti·niz·ing·ly , adverb

Synonyms for Scrutinized

analyze, check, check out, comb, consider, dissect, explore, inspect, investigate, look over, peruse, pore over, probe, scan, sift, watch, weigh, candle, canvass, case, contemplate, dig, eyeball, overlook, peg, penetrate, pierce, search, smoke, stare, study, survey, view, burn up, check over, get a load of, go over with a fine-tooth comb, inquire into, perlustrate, put under a microscope, scope, scrutinate, take the measure of