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Showing words for SCURRY using the English dictionary

6 Letter Words for Scurry


5 Letter Words for Scurry

crusy, currs, curry, cyrus

4 Letter Words for Scurry

crus, curr, curs, cury, rucs, scry, scur

3 Letter Words for Scurry

crs, cru, cry, cur, ruc, scr, sur, syr, urs, yrs, yus

Definitions for Scurry

[1] to go or move quickly or in haste.
[2] to send hurrying along.
[3] a scurrying rush: the scurry of little feet on the stairs.
[4] a short run or race.
[5] to move about or proceed hurriedly
[6] (intr) to whirl about
[7] the act or sound of scurrying
[8] a brisk light whirling movement, as of snow
[9] horse racing a short race or sprint

Words related to Scurry

whisk, zip, scamper, rip, dart, dash, scoot, sprint, hurry, bustle, scuttle, shoot, fly, rush, run, whirl, tear, scud, race, skim

Words nearby Scurry

scurf, scurfy, scurrile, scurrility, scurrilous, scurry, scurvy, scurvy grass, scut, scuta, scutage

Origin of Scurry

First recorded in 1800–10; extracted from hurry-scurry

Word origin for Scurry

C19: probably shortened from hurry-scurry

Synonyms for Scurry

bustle, dart, dash, hurry, rip, scamper, scoot, scuttle, sprint, whisk, zip, barrel, dust, fly, hasten, race, run, rush, scud, shoot, skim, tear, whirl, hop along, scutter, step along