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Showing words for SCYLLA using the English dictionary

6 Letter Words for Scylla

scally, scylla

5 Letter Words for Scylla

aclys, acyls, calls, clays, sally, scall, scaly

4 Letter Words for Scylla

acyl, alls, ally, call, cals, cays, clay, lacs, lacy, lays, sall, slay, syll

3 Letter Words for Scylla

acy, alc, all, als, aly, asl, ays, cal, cay, cly, cyl, lac, las, lay, lca, lsc, lyc, lys, sac, sal, say, sla, sly, syl, yas

Definitions for Scylla

[1] Modern name Scilla. a rock in the Strait of Messina off the S coast of Italy.
[2] Classical Mythology . a sea nymph who was transformed into a sea monster: later identified with the rock Scylla. Compare Charybdis(def 2) .
[3] between Scylla and Charybdis , between two equally perilous alternatives, neither of which can be passed without encountering and probably falling victim to the other.
[4] Greek myth a sea nymph transformed into a sea monster believed to drown sailors navigating the Strait of Messina. She was identified with a rock off the Italian coast Compare Charybdis
[5] between Scylla and Charybdis in a predicament in which avoidance of either of two dangers means exposure to the other