9 Letter Words for Secretion
erections, neoterics, resection, secretion
8 Letter Words for Secretion
cenosite, centries, cointers, corniest, corteise, coteries, enterics, enticers, erection, esoteric, icestone, neoteric, nocerite, noticers, oneriest, rections, renotice, scienter, secretin, seicento, serotine
7 Letter Words for Secretion
cenotes, centers, ceresin, cerites, cerosin, cerotin, certose, ceteris, cistern, cistron, citrene, citrons, coesite, coiners, cointer, conster, contise, cornets, cornist, corsite, cortine, cortins, coseier, costeen, coterie, cotrine, creston, cretins, cretion, cretons, crinose, croisee, cronets, cronies, ecteron, encores, enstore, enteric, enticer, entices, entires, entoire, entries, erinose, erotics, estrone, increst, instore, isotere, necrose, nerites, nesiote, noetics, norites, noterse, noticer, notices, orceins, orcines, orients, recites, recoins, rection, retines, rociest, roseine, scenite, scenter, screeno, scriene, secreto, section, senecio, sericon, sertion, sincere, societe, stonier, storeen, tenrecs, tercine, tercios, tersion, tierces, tornese, tornesi, trenise, trienes, trioecs, triones
6 Letter Words for Secretion
ceinte, cenote, censer, censor, center, centos, centro, cerine, cerise, cerite, cernes, cerote, certes, certie, certis, cestoi, ceston, cinter, citers, citron, coiner, conite, constr, conter, contes, cories, cornet, corset, corsie, cortes, cortin, cosine, coster, coteen, cotise, cretin, crines, crinet, croise, crones, cronet, cronie, croset, crosne, crotin, ctenes, encist, encore, enters, entice, entier, enties, entire, entrec, eosine, erects, ernest, erotic, escort, eserin, estrin, icones, incest, inerts, insect, inseer, insert, inters, intros, irones, nereis, nerite, nester, nestor, nicest, nieces, niters, nitros, noctis, noetic, noires, norice, norite, nosier, nosite, noster, nostic, noters, notice, octene, octine, oecist, oncers, onsite, orcein, orcine, orcins, oretic, orient, orites, oscine, ostein, recent, recite, recits, recoin, recons, recost, rectos, renies, rentes, resect, resent, resite, reties, retine, roncet, rontes, scerne, scient, scoter, screen, screet, scrine, scrite, secern, secret, sector, seiner, seiren, seiten, sencio, senior, serein, sereno, serine, setier, sinter, sintoc, sirene, soiree, soneri, sorite, sortie, stereo, steric, sterin, stoner, streen, strene, strine, strone, tenore, tenors, tenrec, tenser, tensor, terces, tercio, ternes, tierce, tiroes, tocsin, toeier, toners, tonics, tonier, tonies, torics, treens, trices, tricon, triene, triens, trines, triose, troncs, trones
5 Letter Words for Secretion
ceint, cense, centi, cento, cents, ceres, cerin, cerne, ceros, certs, ceste, cesti, cetes, cetin, cines, cions, cires, citee, citer, cites, coins, coirs, coits, coner, cones, const, conte, contr, cores, corni, corns, corse, cosen, coset, cosie, cosin, coste, cotes, creen, crest, crete, cries, crine, crise, crits, crois, crone, crose, crost, csnet, ctene, enets, enter, entre, entsi, eosin, erect, erics, ernes, erose, escot, ester, estoc, estre, estro, etens, icers, icons, incor, inert, insee, inset, instr, inter, intro, iortn, irene, ireos, irone, irons, isere, isort, iters, necro, neist, nerts, neter, netes, nicer, niece, niter, nitos, nitro, noire, noirs, noise, norie, noris, norit, norse, noser, noter, notes, oints, oncer, onces, oncet, oners, onset, ontic, orcin, ornes, ornis, oscin, osier, recit, recon, recti, recto, reens, reest, reice, reins, reist, renet, rente, rents, reset, resin, resit, retes, retie, retin, rices, rines, rinse, riots, risen, rites, roins, roist, rones, ronte, ronts, roset, rosin, rosit, rosti, rotes, rotis, scene, scent, scion, scone, score, scorn, scote, scree, scrin, scrit, secno, secre, seine, sence, senit, senor, sente, senti, seric, serin, serio, seron, seton, sicer, sient, since, siren, siroc, sneer, snirt, snite, snore, snort, sonce, sonic, soree, sotie, steen, steer, stein, steno, stere, steri, stern, stero, stine, stion, stire, stoic, stone, store, tecon, teens, teers, teise, tenes, tenio, tenor, tense, tenso, terce, terne, terns, terse, ticer, tices, tiens, tiers, tines, tires, toise, toner, tones, tonic, torcs, tores, toric, torse, treen, trees, trice, tries, trine, trins, trios, troic, trois, tronc, trone, trons, tsere, tsine
4 Letter Words for Secretion
cees, cene, cens, cent, cere, cern, cero, cert, cest, cete, ceti, cine, cion, cire, cist, cite, cito, cits, coes, coin, coir, coit, cone, coni, cons, cont, core, corn, cors, cort, cose, cost, cote, cots, cres, crin, cris, crit, crts, econ, ecto, eine, eire, enes, ense, ento, entr, eons, eres, eric, erie, erin, eris, erne, erns, eros, erse, erst, esne, eten, etic, eton, icer, ices, icon, incr, inro, inst, into, intr, iocs, ions, ires, iron, isnt, iter, neer, neet, nese, nest, nete, neti, nets, nice, nies, nist, nito, nits, noes, noir, nore, nori, nose, note, nots, nsec, oeci, oint, once, oner, ones, onst, orcs, ores, orts, otic, otis, recs, rect, reen, rees, reet, rein, reit, reno, rent, rest, rete, rets, rice, ries, rine, rins, riot, risc, rise, rist, rite, rits, rocs, roes, roin, roit, rone, ront, rose, rost, rotc, rote, roti, rots, scet, scot, seco, sect, seen, seer, seir, seit, sene, sent, seor, sere, sero, sert, sice, sien, sier, sine, sion, sire, site, snee, snit, snot, soce, soir, sone, sore, sori, sorn, sort, sten, ster, stie, stir, stor, stre, teen, teer, tees, tene, tens, tern, tice, tics, tien, tier, ties, tinc, tine, tins, tire, tocs, toes, tone, tons, torc, tore, tori, torn, tors, tose, tree, tres, trie, trin, trio, tron
3 Letter Words for Secretion
cee, cen, ceo, cer, cie, cir, cis, cit, cns, con, cor, cos, cot, cro, crs, crt, csi, cst, cte, ctn, cto, ctr, cts, eco, ect, eec, een, eer, eir, enc, ene, ens, eon, eos, ere, ern, ers, ert, esc, ese, esr, est, etc, ice, inc, ins, int, ion, ios, ire, irs, ise, isn, iso, ist, its, nco, nee, nei, neo, net, nie, nis, nit, nor, nos, not, oct, oer, oes, oie, ois, one, oni, ons, ont, orc, ore, ors, ort, ose, osi, otc, rct, rec, ree, rei, res, rie, rin, rio, rit, roc, roe, roi, ron, ros, rot, rte, rti, sci, scr, sct, sec, see, sei, sen, ser, set, sic, sie, sin, sir, sit, soc, son, sot, sri, str, tec, tee, ten, ter, tes, tic, tie, tin, tis, toc, toe, toi, ton, tor, tos, tri, trs, tsi
Definitions for Secretion
[1] (in a cell or gland) the act or process of separating, elaborating, and releasing a substance that fulfills some function within the organism or undergoes excretion.
[2] the product of this act or process.
[3] a substance that is released from a cell, esp a glandular cell, and is synthesized in the cell
[4] the process involved in producing and releasing such a substance from the cell
Words related to Secretion
saliva, mucus, bile, excretion, flow, seepage, movement, suppuration, gum, juice, sweat, sap, milk, tears
Words nearby Secretion
secretary of defense, secretary of state, secretary-general, secrete, secretin, secretion, secretive, secretoinhibitory, secretomotor, secretor, secretory
Origin of Secretion
1640–50; < Latin sēcrētiōn- (stem of sēcrētiō ), equivalent to sēcrēt(us ) (past participle of sēcernere to secern) + -iōn- -ion
Other words from Secretion
se·cre·tion·ar·y [si-kree -shuh -ner-ee] /sɪˈkri ʃəˌnɛr i/ , adjective
non·se·cre·tion , noun
non·se·cre·tion·ar·y , adjective
o·ver·se·cre·tion , noun
su·per·se·cre·tion , noun
Word origin for Secretion
C17: from Medieval Latin sēcrētiō, from Latin: a separation; see secern
Synonyms for Secretion
excretion, flow, movement, seepage, suppuration