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Showing words for SECURE using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Secure
5 Letter Words for Secure
4 Letter Words for Secure
3 Letter Words for Secure
Definitions for Secure
[1] free from or not exposed to danger or harm; safe.
[2] dependable; firm; not liable to fail, yield, become displaced, etc., as a support or a fastening: The building was secure, even in an earthquake.
[3] affording safety, as a place: He needed a secure hideout.
[4] in safe custody or keeping: Here in the vault the necklace was secure.
[5] free from care; without anxiety: emotionally secure.
[6] firmly established, as a relationship or reputation: He earned a secure place among the baseball immortals.
[7] sure; certain; assured: secure of victory; secure in religious belief.
[8] safe from penetration or interception by unauthorized persons: secure radio communications between army units.
[9] Archaic . overconfident.
[10] to get hold or possession of; procure; obtain: to secure materials; to secure a high government position.
[11] to free from danger or harm; make safe: Sandbags secured the town during the flood.
[12] to effect; make certain of; ensure: The novel secured his reputation.
[13] to make firm or fast, as by attaching: to secure a rope.
[14] Finance . to assure payment of (a debt) by pledging property. to assure (a creditor) of payment by the pledge or mortgaging of property.
[15] to lock or fasten against intruders: to secure the doors.
[16] to protect from attack by taking cover, by building fortifications, etc.: The regiment secured its position.
[17] to capture (a person or animal): No one is safe until the murderer is secured.
[18] to tie up (a person), especially by binding the person's arms or hands; pinion.
[19] to guarantee the privacy or secrecy of: to secure diplomatic phone conversations.
[20] to be or become safe; have or obtain security.
[21] Nautical . to cover openings and make movable objects fast: The crew was ordered to secure for sea. to be excused from duty: to secure from general quarters.
[22] free from danger, damage, etc
[23] free from fear, care, etc
[24] in safe custody
[25] not likely to fail, become loose, etc
[26] able to be relied on; certain a secure investment
[27] nautical stowed away or made inoperative
[28] archaic careless or overconfident
[29] (tr) to obtain or get possession of I will secure some good seats
[30] (when intr, often foll by against ) to make or become free from danger, fear, etc
[31] (tr) to make fast or firm; fasten
[32] (when intr, often foll by against ) to make or become certain; guarantee this plan will secure your happiness
[33] (tr) to assure (a creditor) of payment, as by giving security
[34] (tr) to make (a military position) safe from attack
[35] nautical to make (a vessel or its contents) safe or ready by battening down hatches, stowing gear, etc
[36] (tr) nautical to stow or make inoperative to secure the radio
Words related to Secure
protected, solid, strong, sure, reliable, able, confident, easy, stable, insure, capture, buy, get, win, assure, ensure, gain, have, take, achieve
Words nearby Secure
secundigravida, secundine, secundines, secundipara, secundus, secure, secure server, secure tenancy, secure unit, securement, securities
Origin of Secure
1525–35; < Latin sēcūrus carefree, equivalent to sē- se- + cūr(a ) care (see cure) + -us adj. suffix; cf. sure
Other words from Secure
se·cur·a·ble , adjective
se·cure·ly , adverb
se·cure·ness , noun
se·cur·er , noun
o·ver·se·cure , adjective, verb (used with object), o·ver·se·cured, o·ver·se·cur·ing.
o·ver·se·cure·ly , adverb
pre·se·cure , verb (used with object), pre·se·cured, pre·se·cur·ing.
qua·si-se·cure , adjective
qua·si-se·cure·ly , adverb
re·se·cure , verb, re·se·cured, re·se·cur·ing.
su·per·se·cure , adjective
su·per·se·cure·ly , adverb
su·per·se·cure·ness , noun
un·se·cure , adjective
un·se·cure·ly , adverb
un·se·cure·ness , noun
well-se·cured , adjective
Word origin for Secure
C16: from Latin sēcūrus free from care, from sē- without + cūra care
Synonyms for Secure
protected, defended, guarded, sheltered, shielded, immune, impregnable, out of harm's way, riskless, unassailable, undamaged, unharmed