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Showing words for SEEL using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Seel
eels, else, lees, lese, seel, sele, slee
3 Letter Words for Seel
eel, els, ese, lee, les, see, sel, sle
Definitions for Seel
[1] Falconry . to sew shut (the eyes of a falcon) during parts of its training.
[2] Archaic . to close (the eyes). to blind.
[3] to sew up the eyelids of (a hawk or falcon) so as to render it quiet and tame
[4] obsolete to close up the eyes of, esp by blinding
Words nearby Seel
seeing-eye dog, seek, seek out, seeker, seekonk, seel, seeland, seelie, seely, seem, seemer
Origin of Seel
1490–1500; < Middle French siller, ciller, derivative of cil eyelash < Latin cilium eyelid, eyelash; see cilia
Word origin for Seel
C15 silen, from Old French ciller, from Medieval Latin ciliāre, from Latin cilium an eyelid