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Showing words for SEIZED using the English dictionary
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Definitions for Seized
[1] to take hold of suddenly or forcibly; grasp: to seize a weapon.
[2] to grasp mentally; understand clearly and completely: to seize an idea.
[3] to take possession of by force or at will: to seize enemy ships.
[4] to take possession or control of as if by suddenly laying hold: Panic seized the crowd.
[5] to take possession of by legal authority; confiscate: to seize smuggled goods.
[6] Also seise. Law . to put (someone) in seizin or legal possession of property (usually used in passive constructions): She was seized of vast estates.
[7] to capture; take into custody.
[8] to take advantage of promptly: to seize an opportunity.
[9] Nautical . to bind or fasten together with a seizing.
[10] to grab or take hold suddenly or forcibly (usually followed by on or upon ): to seize on a rope.
[11] to resort to a method, plan, etc., in desperation (usually followed by on or upon ): He must seize on a solution, however risky.
[12] to have moving parts bind and stop moving as a result of excessive pressure, temperature, or friction (usually followed by up ): The engine seized up from cold.
[13] (also intr foll by on ) to take hold of quickly; grab she seized her hat and ran for the bus
[14] (sometimes foll by on or upon ) to grasp mentally, esp rapidly she immediately seized his idea
[15] to take mental possession of alarm seized the crowd
[16] to take possession of rapidly and forcibly the thief seized the woman's purse
[17] to take legal possession of; take into custody
[18] to take by force or capture the army seized the undefended town
[19] to take immediate advantage of to seize an opportunity
[20] nautical to bind (two ropes together or a piece of gear to a rope) See also serve (def. 19)
[21] (intr often foll by up ) (of mechanical parts) to become jammed, esp because of excessive heat
[22] (passive usually foll by of ) to be apprised of; conversant with
[23] the usual US spelling of seise
Words related to Seized
seizeannexed, clutched, snatched
Words nearby Seized
seizeseismometer, seismonasty, seismoscope, seitan, seiu, seize, seize on, seize up, seizin, seizing, seizure
Origin of Seized
1250–1300; Middle English saisen, seisen < Old French saisir < Medieval Latin sacīre to place (in phrase sacīre ad propriētam to take as one's own, lay claim to) < Frankish, perhaps akin to Gothic satjan to set, put, place
Other words from Seized
seiz·a·ble , adjective
seiz·er ; Law . sei·zor [see -zer, -zawr] /ˈsi zər, -zɔr/ , noun
re·seize , verb (used with object), re·seized, re·seiz·ing.
un·seiz·a·ble , adjective
un·seized , adjective
Word origin for Seized
C13 saisen, from Old French saisir, from Medieval Latin sacīre to position, of Germanic origin; related to Gothic satjan to set 1